Monday, December 31, 2007
On the Seventh Day of Christmas....
We are bucking the whole culture, I know, but we've still got Christmas presents to open around here. When we travel for Christmas, instead of rushing to open our gifts to each other before we leave, or the even more crazy idea of carrying them to the grandparents' home to open and carry back home (we did that when DD the elder was just a baby. It took us two years to figure out that was ludicrous), we just do Christmas all over on New Year's Day...stockings and everything. It works great, except that everyone else is DONE with Christmas. Ah, well, we tend to buck the culture in many ways around here; I guess that's just part of who we are.
I've been kind of catching up on all the blogs I missed while I was gone; I've noticed LOTS of people are waxing philosophical about what they accomplished in 2007 and what they hope to do in 2008. I'm not there yet; I'm still trying to get my brain around the idea that this is the LAST day of 2007. Maybe I'll get my perspective back and do some appropriate New Year musings before the week is over.
Meantime, Happy New Year everyone!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Holiday Hiatus
The last fabric purchase of the year arrived last night; I ordered 6 yards, but found generous cuts that added up to 7 yards in. But I'd been busy, and after the costume sewing and the Last Project sewing, I'm still a yard and a half ahead of parity. So long as I don't purchase anything in the next week (and it's not likely)...I've made it!!!
But perhaps the Last Projects were spurred by laziness, rather than foresight. I didn't want to put away the remnants from the flannel sheets, so I made sleep pants for DD and I. Then I decided we needed tops to go with them, and I found some ANCIENT cotton interlock in the stash and made some tops, trimmed with the flannel on the bias, and we have two new pairs of jammies:
I would write up what I did, but the plain truth is, aside from the Burda No-Side Seam pants that are my PJ pants, they're basically various Kwik Sew patterns all altered up and finegled...and I made it up as I went (literally). But they turned out nice, and DD loves hers (even though they're too's that making it up as I went thing...)
Anyway from all of us here at Sew Random (LOL) to all of you wonderful folks who've plodded along with me in this adventure, Merry Christmas!!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Just Say No
My good, super-sharp, wonderful Kai shears, purchased at last year's Expo, were AWOL for a couple of days, then turned up ON THE COMPUTER DESK. Where PAPER IS CUT.
DD the Elder (Life Philosophy: It's easier to get forgiveness than permission) was, of course, the culprit. She'd needed some scissors (she HAS scissors! EVERY ONE got utility scissors in their Christmas stocking last year) and maintained that these were the only ones she could find (well, they were right out on my cutting table. Imagine that).
I determined that she probably hadn't done any damage to the shears (as opposed to the time she borrowed my Fiskars to cut floral wire...but that was when she was in, oh, middle school?), then gave her a severe injunction to keep her hands OFF my good shears.
The resulting eye rolling prompted me to use a Sharpie to remind anyone looking for scissors that SOME are Off Limits.
And promptly got me labeled 'Control Freak'....oh, the injustice...
Perhaps another pair of utility scissors should show up in her stocking this year.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
The Gift of Imagination

I'm also making a floaty tutu, following Angie's excellent Tied Tu-Tu Tute. It's about 2/3 tied off. I thought it could be an overskirt for the dress, but it's coming out much poofier than I expected. Oh, well, a 4-year-old will still have fun with it, even if it's not worn with the princess dress.
A trip to Claire's or Libby Lu's for a little tiara and that's my last Christmas project done and ready for wrapping.
Which is a very good thing; I have laundry to do and suitcases to pack ;)
ETA: Here's the finished tutu (I'm going to need a big box)
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Nothing's Committed Until It's Cut
This is a very stressful way to view a stash. It puts the emphasis on the production, not the creativity. Clawing my way back to parity after a big purchase also put the emphasis on production, and, between you, me and the fencepost, sewing just to be producing ain't the reason I sew, and that's going to be a big deterrent to future parity-busting purchases.
Now, I believe in purchasing fabric with at least a general idea ('this will be a jacket'), or even a specific idea ('I'll make that Today's Fit jacket and use the selvedge for trim'), but if that idea actually keeps the fabric from being sewn over time, it might be a good idea to Let It Go. It's time for a paradigm shift.
So...if that silk is not made into that slotted-seam suit by the time the appropriate season rolls around and gone, I need to quit thinking of it as a slotted seam suit and start thinking of it as a wonderful piece of raw silk available for whatever I decide it needs to be. Maybe a dress with a jacket? Maybe a tunic top?
What would suit the wardrobe? What garments do I need now, and what's in the stash that could be used to make them? Styles change, needs change...the stash needs to go with the flow, not back up behind an idea that may be past its prime.
I need to release some old visions, and see what new ones arise to replace them.
And I really, really need to realize that nothing's committed until it's cut!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
That Love/Hate Thing
I remember my sister (who used to be a fairly accomplished seamstress; she made a leisure suit for Dad when she was in high school, but has gotten away from it) and I discussing 'What do we hate about sewing' once upon a time many, many moons ago.
Back and forth between us, we listed all the things that we found tedious and uninspiring. Keep in mind, this was back in the day before either of us needed (or realized we needed, anyway) any fitting changes made to a pattern. As well as I can remember, here's what we listed:
cutting out the pattern
laying out the fabric (we used a chest freezer for a cutting table; access only from one side made it, um, challenging)
Cutting interfacing
Fusing interfacing (it was cheap pellon then!)
tailor's tacks
finishing the edges (no sergers then! Everything was zig-zagged around)
stay stitching
sewing darts (how could anyone get those points smooth and even?)
gathering anything
putting in zippers
turning collar points
top stitching
sleeve plackets
trimming/clipping/grading seams
marking/trimming hems
hand sewing (buttons, hooks/eyes, hemming...)
In short, just about every single operation involved in the construction of a garment (except buying the fabric!) was on the 'Ick List'. But we both agreed that we 'loved to sew!' I remember pointing that out and we both laughed. It didn't make sense.
But realistically, any of those things is very tedious and not-fun when done as an isolated task. But constructing a garment is so much more than the sum result of a bunch of isolated tasks. It all works together. For instance, making a dart isn't fun...but watching fabric take shape as the darts are completed is.
And that's what we all love about home sewing...watching that garment move from a concept and flat yard goods into a three-dimensional garment that reflects the individual's style. When each of the elements are integrated into the whole, it does become greater than the sum of the parts. (Of course, improved equipment and techniques have probably improved my attitude somewhat in the interim also).
But to me, though, sewing is freedom. Freedom from the dressing room, freedom from the fashion cycle, freedom from poor quality/inflated prices, freedom from manipulative marketing strategies. (Well, sort of. I have been known to be suckered by enticing pattern envelope art...).
And I *love* freedom! ;)
Monday, December 17, 2007
The Purpose of Parity
But I have limited storage space and a limited budget. When I found I could buy wonderful fabric from the internet, the likes of which I could NEVER find in a local brick-and-mortar store, and often at discounted prices to boot, the stash ballooned and the budget creaked. I cannot go on buying fabric like there's an unlimited availability of either one.
Plus,my stash needs to change. I've got waaaayyyy too much cheap stuff, which seemed like a good idea at the time but really doesn't reflect my sewing goals anymore, and just enough Really Nice Fabric that I find myself hesitant to use it ('Oh, I'll wait till I lose 10 pounds' or 'Must...Find...Perfect...Pattern') Some of the fabric may end up dontated, but most of it just needs to be used.
And I really don't like the idea of having a Dead Sea into which fabric flows, but doesn't leave. I remember talking to Michael Bearman about stashing once, and he told me it actually saddens him when his beautiful fabrics end up just in a stash somewhere. He sells them for the lowest prices he can, just so folks like me will buy them and ACTUALLY SEW THEM (I am recollecting my moth-chewed Armani with great regret at this point). Fabric coming in is fine, so long as it's also going out...and hopefully the time between in and out is not excessive.
So I've decided I need to practice Parity as much as possible. This is the third year now that I've had the Parity goal, and the first year I was serious enough to actually do it. Not that a stash is bad; I don't want to outlaw purchasing new fabric or give myself a guilt trip for having a stash...I just want to be aware of how much I can reasonably sew and make an effort to not purchase more than I can make. Which should mean that the storage space and the budget should both be able to handle the fabric acquisitions...because there is also fabric moving out of the stash and into the closet.
So I need to find my Parity Point. Every home sewing enthusiast will have a different point at which s/he feels the stash is Big Enough. I'll be honest...I think mine is a little too big. It's not at a healthy point yet. The first goal to a healthy Parity Point was simply to achieve parity; I did that this year and I learned some things about my buying and sewing patterns that I can hopefully apply over the next two or three years to finally get to the point where I DO feel like I have a healthy rotating fabric stash.
Which will be a wonderful place to play, to dream, to be inspired...a resource that will allow the creative urges to find fulfillment.
Not to mention a place where I can find fabric in colors I love in order to make garments that suit me and my lifestyle when the fashion cycle denies me that option in RTW. ;)
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Choir Sundays #16
Jacket: Silhouette Patterns 'Robin's Jacket', from red/silver/black/white mini-plaid wool crepe;
Sweater: black RTW rayon blend fine gauge turtleneck sweater;
Pants:The new black wool gabardine Loes Hinse Oxford Pant. We were in the 20's this morning, so it was cold enough to wear them! I did add a little to the pants (middle-age spread, I'm afraid), so the legs are fuller than the pattern design.
No weird socks this week!
This will be the last choir post this month; we won't be dressing for choir for the next two weeks (hm. Perhaps a better way to put that would be 'we won't be wearing specific colors for a choir wardrobe for the next two weeks'...).
If you enjoyed the choir posts, let me know; I may just go ahead and do it a while longer least through January; I hope to get some nice royal blue stuff made up after the 1st!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
It's PARITY, Baby!!!!!
Once I changed the thread in the serger to the pink needed for the upcoming dress-up clothes, I knew I was going to make it. I had two fabric-consuming garments in the queue, both done to the point that they needed pink thread. And I finished 'em both.
Behold, the five-yard skirt and the almost-nine yards pants:
The skirt has two layers of fabric; it's Butterick 4803, reviewed HERE, but the pants are something different. It's the same ol' Burda No-Side-Seam Pants, made in four layers of chiffon...a royal blue layer, on top of a fuschia layer, on top of two black layers. The black is definitely polyester; I think the blue and the pink are, too, but they're much silkier than the black (I haven't done a burn test). It came from Sir's, for about a buck and a half a yard. The topmost (blue) layer is sewn w/French seams; the rest are serged. I'm not completely decided about the hem; right now they're just rolled but the inseam has drawn up a bit. I might see if a small hem would even it out; plus,then I wouldn't have to wear heels. But it's not highly noticeable, and they are dressy pants...
for now, I'm calling them done.
I did two things to celebrate: First, I whipped out a frivolous top from glittery slinky purchased at the Atlanta Expo (it's Butterick 4347). I bought the fabric because I loved the colors, but after I got home with it I realized print placement would be a HUGE issue. I tried really, really hard to keep the flower centers away from, um, personal apexes, but was only sort of successful. I had barely enough fabric for the top, and I had very little room to shift things around. I thought My Sweet Baboo would think it was wild, but he actually liked it and said the print placement was ok... with so many flowers, he said, it didn't really matter. Well, it's not as bad as the original Salvaged Wadder, so I'll probably wear least, when I want to please My Sweet Baboo. (On a side note, I assure you I have not lost 10 pounds since yesterday's Not the Holy Grail photo...amazing how much difference drapey vs. crisp can make, eh?)
The other thing I did fabric!!! 6 yards of fabric from the Oo-la-la section at Gorgeous Fabrics (specifically, 4 yards of deep royal blue stretch velvet and 2 yards of 'Well, Hello Gorgeous' slinky) will be heading my way next week. I said I'd like a stretch velvet Cityscapes dress...and royal blue is the choir color for next month!
I think I can even be six yards up before it gets here. Parity is MINE!!!
Woo-hoo! :D
Friday, December 14, 2007
Not the Holy Grail
I finished the Neue Mode blouse last night (Review Here)and I have two thoughts: 1) I'm glad I didn't use pricey fabric and 2) I'm glad this will get worn under sweaters. It's a mess...the front pulls and the back bags and the sleeves are too long. The collar, however, is just about perfect. So maybe I've got one good element from it. I could, I think, with a muslin or two and a lot of patience, get a fitted blouse out of this. I might even learn something along the way...but I'm not sure I've got that much patience.
I've got another, very similarly styled shirt cut from this fabric in a Kwik Sew pattern..I'll see how they compare once the KS shirt is done.
Today I'm changing thread colors and forging on; I've got just a hair over 12 yards to go to get to parity and some dress-up clothes to make for a Christmas gift. I can do this, I can, I can... ;)
Thursday, December 13, 2007
"Mom, I had an idea..."
Turns out she and some girlfriends are going to the swanky new movie theater in town this weekend, and they want to all dress in psuedo-40's glam (to suit the swankiness of the theater). So she wanted a glam wrap. Hence the pattern, Simplicity 3921, and 5/8 yard of fake fur. ('You do have some brown lining I can use, right?' Um, yeah, probably.)
She wanted view I, only with a wider neckline so that it looked less like a capelet and more like a wrap. Well, I was feeling too punky to go to church last night anyway, so I traced the pattern and altered it for her. I will offer great advice along the way. But she will cut the stuff out and sew it up. "Oh, this will be easy," she said, looking at the pattern guide.
Spoken with the optimism ignorance can afford.
I looked at the pattern guide last night, and made a couple of marks on the pattern tracing for her to leave open in the shoulder/side seam of the lining to turn the work; I'm thinking turning it through an opening in the bottom in the lining/jacket seam probably won't work so good. And I redrew all her seams at 5/8" (the front and bottom seam were 3/8") She can trim them after sewing them...the fur is bulky and I think she'd have a hard time sewing a narrow seam.
This will be interesting.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Wednesday Inspiration
And there's a week and a half left before we head out of town; I've got a couple of Christmas gifts I've got to get cracking on and a white shirt that's only about 1/3 done (the collar's on it now); it had spent the last week lying on the sewing machine bed waiting on the final dart when I sat down to work on it yesterday.
So I'm not inspiring nobody this week; I'm just drinking liquids and taking decongestants and hoping this goes away without a trip to the doctor.
But that's not to say there isn't inspiring stuff going on. Go look at what Laura made last week (scroll down a bit; her week of sewing photos start with the coat). She didn't even take time off of work!
Amazing. If there was such a thing as a 'Fabulous Flying Needle' award, I'd give it to Laura this week! Go enjoy her work!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Weather Weirdness
In March I'd think that was great; in December, not so much. We actually slept with a wide-open window and the ceiling fan going last night. The Christmas trees just don't even feel right. It feels really, really weird.
And kinda scary...with weather like this here, and weather like THAT north of us, I shudder to think what could happen when those cold fronts do make it down here. It could be ugly.
But this is just a weird weather year! We had bitter cold w/a hard freeze at Easter and now balmy warmth at Christmas time. And very little rain.
I'd love a good cold snap with a couple inches of snow! If we could just get there without any severe weather.
Monday, December 10, 2007
But unlike Marley and Marley, it's a good thing. (Ok, that link did originally go to a photo of Michael Caine as Ebenezer Scrooge with Statler and Waldorf as Jacob and Robert Marley, from A Muppet Christmas Carol, but Disney apparently doesn't allow direct image links; the URL is right but it only goes to the Disney homepage. Bummer.) I had never sewn the recommended chain onto the hems of my Vogue 8043 jackets, mostly because I couldn't find suitable chain. I'd checked at Hancock's several times, even looking in the home dec department for drapery chain but no go. Then I happened to be walking by the jewelry making section of Hobby Lobby last week and noticed that they had metal jewelry findings...including plain chain half price. There were only two chains of any weight and length (I think it was 18") there and I bought both of them. A little twisting with needle-nosed pliers and the clasps were gone and I had one long chain.
Then, while we watched our traditional Christmas movies (Rankin/Bass's Rudolf, Chuck Jones' Grinch, A Charlie Brown Christmas and The Muppet Christmas Carol)last night I stitched the chain into my blue/grey SWAP '06 jacket.
Erica B. is right...that chain makes a great improvement in the way the jacket hangs. I'm just going to have to start watching for those Hobby Lobby sales and stock up on some necklaces...unless someone can tell me where to find the real chain!
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Choir Sundays #15
Vest: RTW embroidered cotton velveteen; it's been around for, oh, a minimum of 6 years.
Blouse: OOP Kwik Sew that I haven't even reviewed yet. I think the blouse is older than the vest. It's a poly peachskin; pretty color, but, well, polyester....
Pants: Black cotton twill Vogue 7881 again. I wanted to wear the new black gab Oxfords, but it was 67 degrees F when we left for church this morning; I didn't feel quite like roasting in wool pants w/a liner. That was a good call; I was *plenty* warm in the velveteen vest! Maybe next week....
Too bad you can't see my 'red w/white and glittery gold poinsettias' socks! LOL
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Passing along Thanks
Well, Buffi posted that Sophie was one of the winners!.
She didn't win the big prize savings bond, but, wow, what will she do with that clock?
Anyway, passing along Buffi's thanks to anyone that followed the links and voted for her!
Friday, December 07, 2007
On the Mend
Thanks for the well-wishes! In the long run, I think I was more embarrassed than hurt. Fortunately, I *didn't* hit my tail bone...I cracked that when I was in high school and know how long that agony can last. My glutes *are* achy, especially when sitting down and rising, but it's not that tail bone pain that can make me my ears ring; it'll heal.
I was afraid I'd have double shiners, too; I could just see myself in choir Sunday with raccoon eyes. But bruising has been minimal, so that won't be a problem. The little scrape on my nose broke open and bled sometime overnight and now I have this lovely little scab right between my eyes. I've got to put my contacts in because my glasses sit right on the sore place, so I'm going to go out looking a little dog
I did put yesterday to some productive, non-physical work; I printed out 120 copies of the Christmas Epistle so that we can get those in envelopes over the weekend and out in the mail. I had to babysit the printer the whole time; it did NOT want to play nice yesterday, having a penchant for jam (paper or carriage; we had both). I also went through two cartridges each of both color and black ink. Amazing how fast that goes. But, it would've cost us $240 to get it printed at Kinko's, so it was worth it.
The only thing I did that was sewing pertinent yesterday was nearly break my fabric moratorium. One of my favorite internet vendors sent out an email about a sale, and included in the sale was some fabric that I'd been eyeing since she posted it. I'm telling you, I had an email ordering some all ready to go...and I hit 'delete' instead of send (Note to self: Make sure you're about 20 yards AHEAD of parity by December 1 next year so you can take advantage of such sales). If she's still got any when I reach parity, I'm buying some. Period.
But the sinus-headachey feeling is pretty much gone today so I took My Sweet Baboo to work so I could have a car to go out and shop. Gotta get another whack on it; I really want to be done (or close to done) by the end of next week.
Then I can sew without distractions ;)
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Me Fall Down, Go BOOM!
Last night was our Christmas skating party for the kids' classes (Royal Rangers and M-pact) that meet on Wednesday nights at church. And, despite the back muscle spasm-type problems I've been having lately, I put on skates and skated.
I skated quite a bit when I was younger and was reasonably good; falling is a rare thing for me. But I had some problems with the tracking on the rental skates; the trucks felt kind of loose. I tightened the laces up after a couple of turns and then worked at figuring out the best way to handle them. I had two close calls, which made my back twinge, but I figured as long as I was careful I was ok.
I still don't really know why I fell. I was coming around the far corner, no one was close to me, I didn't trip or misstep, I didn't feel the skates do anything funny. I didn't even really have time to register that I was losing my balance and fight for it. Just suddenly my feet were going up in front of me and I landed so hard on my backside that I went full out flat on the floor for just a minute. It felt like all my innards were jarred. Unbelievably, no one really saw me fall. Slowly, I kinda rolled over to hands and knees and managed to stand up and skate off to the side, step up onto the carpet. I was heading generally towards the bathroom, because, well, the innard jarring made me feel like I might really want to be in the bathroom before something really embarrassing happened.I made it about 8 feet to the lockers and suddenly got so dizzy that I had to stop and lean against the lockers.
Sounds got distant, my pulse raced and I kind of remember thinking 'I really should sit down,' and I think I started to. Again, I'm not sure what happened, but I fell my knees, and my face hit the floor nose first. Ow. When I sat up, my eyes were watering and my nose was running and I dug through my little fanny pack and pulled out a wad of kleenex, having a bad feeling about the volume of nose-running that was going on. Sure enough, my nose was bleeding profusely. I managed to prop myself leaning against the lockers, holding first one and then another kleenex up to my nose and pinching it hard to try and stop the bleeding. When I was down to one kleenex left, My Sweet Baboo happened to come around the far corner of the rink and I managed to get his attention and he came over. In all that time (maybe 5 minutes?) no one had noticed my distress (One of the other adults commented ironically later, 'Well, I guess we were all really watching those kids well, huh?').
Well, My Sweet Baboo happened to have some cotton balls in his pocket (in case the music had been turned up excessively loud), so I stuffed cotton up my nose and he took off my skates and fetched my shoes. By this time a couple of the kids had noticed that I was behaving abnormally and had asked if I was ok. My head had cleared and I no longer felt in imminent danger of, well, seriously embarrassing myself and others so I felt more foolish than anything. I had My Sweet Baboo walk me down to the other end of the rink where the tables and snack area were so I could sit properly with some back support. I was still holding paper napkins (I'd run out of Kleenex) under my much to hide the cotton balls in my nose as to staunch any blood that leaked through. I sat there for the last 15 minutes or so, explaining to the folks who now realized there was something wrong that I'd fallen on my nose. When my kids came over after they'd put their shoes on, I got much hugging and sympathetic, 'I love you, Mommy!'s.
I'd worn a black t-shirt over a long-sleeved white t-shirt; there's some blood on the black t but you have to look very closely to see it. Miraculously, there was no blood on the white shirt. I put a ratty pillowcase on my pillow last night so I wouldn't get any blood on the nice new flannel one I'd just finished. I didn't sleep too badly, considering I had cotton up my nose on one side (the left side was the one that was really bleeding so badly). I have a small scrape on the bridge of my nose that apparently was caused by my glasses, some pretty bad bruises on my right hand from catching myself on the first fall, the joint between the bone and cartilage on my nose is sore and swollen, but I don't think anything's broken and there's no visible bruising (yet, anyway). My nose is still seeping just a teeny bit of blood so I'm going to have to be very careful about not blowing it for the next couple of days. And my seat's a bit sore.
So, all in all I'm shook up but ok. However, having a stopped up nose that I can't blow means I'm breathing through my mouth, so I'm going to have to reschedule this morning's dentist appointment. I had planned to work some more on the Christmas shopping today; I think I'll go out tomorrow instead.
Now...can I stand to sit at the sewing machine today? Hm...maybe I'll do some tracing/cutting instead...or, maybe I'll just lie around and forget about trying to be the least bit productive ;).
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Gift Giving and Kids
So I'm still musing about Christmas traditions. One of the hot discussions...both in the boards and on blogs...has to do with Santa. Do you do Santa with your kids? How and when do you tell them the truth? What do you do if the truth really shatters them? I've mentioned what we did with our kids in some of those discussions, but didn't really go into the 'why' behind it.
My Story:
I was a very, very believable child. I believed pretty much anything anyone told me; when my folks (mostly Dad) told me Santa brought the presents, I believed them.
I remember the first Christmas of the magic presents, although I didn't realize it was Christmas at the time; with two very young children, Mom didn't bother with a tree that year. We lived in a very small house w/only one bedroom. I was 3, my sister was about 18 months old. I remember my dad carrying me on his shoulders from the bedroom to the living room, saying 'Let's see what (here he said a name that I did not recognize and so it didn't register. It wasn't until I was an adult that I heard Dad use that same tone with my own kids and the echo in my memory recollected that what he said was 'Santy') brought last night!' And, to our wonder, the coffee table in the living room was covered with toys. I remember getting white, burgundy and gold plastic play dishes, a set of bongo drums (of which I have no other memory), and lollipops. I woke up the next day expecting to do it all over again; when we didn't, I decided someone in our extended family --and I suspected my great-aunt Tillie, although that would've been ludicrous-- must've come over after my sister and I went to sleep and left the toys for us. I'm sure we had Christmas celebrations at our grandparents' houses that year; we always did, but I didn't put it together. Nonetheless, by the next year I was a firm believer in Santa Claus. My dad got a real kick out of doing the whole Santa thing and I bought it.
Even my mother's Christmas Eve Sewing didn't tip me off. I believed. Even though it disturbed me that we didn't have a chimney for Santa to come down, I still believed. There was a radio tower on a hill not too far from us that had a blinking red light; I never paid any attention to the red light at any other time, but on Christmas Eve I was sure it was Rudolph's nose. I really believed...
By the time I was in fourth grade, though, I was the last in my class who still believed. Other kids laughed at me, telling me that my folks just bought those presents and hid 'em in the car or something. I staunchly defended my faith...not only in Santa, but in my parents. They wouldn't tell me if it wasn't true! I didn't even doubt.
But then I stumbled across a carom board stashed...not even hidden, really...beside the furnace in the porch/utility room. I asked Mom what it was; she said it was for our cousins. When it was under our tree, designated as a gift for my sister and me, I knew. I'd been had. And, as disappointed as I was that there was no jolly fellow coming to my house to bring me gifts, I was devastated that my classmates were right and I was wrong. I felt publicly humiliated. I think I subconsciously decided right then that I was not going to do that to my kids. Christmas lost its sparkle for me for about three years...until I found out how much fun it was to surprise somebody with a gift they really liked.
Now, at that time in my life, my family did not regularly attend church. When we did go, we went to the community church that basically went through the worship ritual, did some charitable work and some fellowship suppers and stressed being good, moral people. But it was shortly after that truth-baring holiday that Mom (Dad rarely went to church) took us (by then my sister and I had two little brothers) to the new Baptist church in town, which became the church of my coming-of-age years. That church taught from the Bible in a way the old church didn't...and the faith that has carried me through my entire life was born and nurtured there. Jesus became real...and I didn't confuse Him with Santa. It wasn't my parents who told me to believe in was the Bible, a different authority altogether. And my parents didn't tell me to believe the Bible; the witness in my spirit was what led me to believe. And I came to understand that the wonder of Christmas wasn't about the Santa story, but about God who took on humanity so that He could reconcile humanity back to Himself. And that, as Linus says, is what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.
So I never struggled with the idea of 'So, if my parents lied about Santa, what about Jesus?' thing. I didn't even see the parallel there, because it wasn't a parallel for me. But after My Sweet Baboo and I got married and moved into our first house, our neighbor kids told us that they didn't do a Christmas tree, because their parents didn't want them to believe in Santa. Oh, they celebrated Christmas and traveled out of state to spend it with family, but the idea was that our neighbors wanted to make sure that their kids didn't put their faith in something that wasn't true. No Christmas tree seemed a little extreme to me, but I saw the point behind what they did and when DD # 1 was born, My Sweet Baboo and I decided that we would make Santa a game; tell her and any siblings that she might have the truth about St. Nicholas, and how people give gifts and pretend that Santa brings them so that there's a surprise on Christmas morning. We wanted them to have fun with Christmas, but not confuse the fun with the truth. And we wanted them to know they could always trust us.
Well, you would've thought we were teaching our kids to stomp on bunnies from the reaction that got from various family members and friends. We were robbing our children of one of the joys of childhood! How could we do that! Scroogish, that's what it was! Well-meaning older ladies would see my kids in Wal-Mart and ask them what Santa was going to bring them for Christmas. It was a definite counter-culture attitude, but we stuck with it. And when the mall hired the portly gentleman with the white beard who lived around the corner from us to play Santa every year, we didn't have a problem explaining it to the kids. We have one Santa youngest DD wanted to talk to Mr Bob as Santa when she was three, so we went early in December and let her. It's a cute picture...and it's kind of neat to point to it and say, 'He lived just around the corner.'
Also, we didn't have to fulfill massive wish lists. We gave each kid five things for Christmas: something to read, something to wear, something to play with by themselves (toy), something to play with with others (game) and a craft or hobby item. It made shopping relatively easy; we had a limited, specific list and we knew when we were done.
We usually traveled for the holidays and didn't have to explain to kids how Santa knew where they were...or how Santa knew they wouldn't be home on Christmas and so would bring their presents on New Year's Day instead.
And you know what? Our kids do not seem to have suffered therapy-inducing trauma from having never been told that Santa brings gifts. And we still have fun with Christmas. And I have no doubts that we did what was, for us and our convictions, anyway, the right thing.
Which is the best anybody can do.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
The Christmas Letter
But I have been reading 'round the boards, and there are some interesting topics pertaining to the holidays...what does your tree look like? How do you handle the stress? What traditions do you keep? Things like that.
It's a weeks worth of blogging material, easy! But since I'm still letter-oriented, I thought I'd post a bit about the much-maligned Christmas Letter.
I work pretty hard to make our letter chatty and informal and low-key (a lot like the blog, actually) and I do have folks tell me that they enjoy it, so I hope I'm on the right track. Like everyone else, I've gotten those letters that drip syrup right out of the envelope and those letters that get on the LAST nerve because NOBODY has a life that perfect and those letters that leave the reader with a little black cloud for the rest of the day because, well, how could anyone have so many disasters in one year, with not a single bright spot? But, overall, I like getting letters from people.
Because, despite the internet and email and blogs and cell phones, we don't communicate with people we love. And, to use a Southern term, that's just sad. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I regularly go MONTHS without speaking to any of my siblings (ETA: they are all a minimum of 400 miles away from us). Oh, there will be the occasional email, but even that is rare. And it's not that we don't get along (well, maybe we don't see eye-to-eye on all things and we do know how to push each other's buttons, but overall we're reasonable adults. Mostly. ;) ) Anyway, if I'm that poor about communicating to my blood kin, you can imagine how poorly I've been doing with friends. And I'm not going on a guilt trip; the phone/computer goes both ways...we're all just so focused on the day that the weeks and months get by without notice.
And before anyone knows it, it's December again and we haven't talked to anyone since the last Christmas Letter went out.
So basically I'm just grateful that the Christmas Letter tradition exists at time a year when people stop and sit down and at least tell folks what the Big Deals in their lives have been in the past year. Because if it weren't for that Christmas letter, we'd lose touch completely with many of our friends. I can put up with the Awful letters-- they're really more a reflection of writing skills than superior attitudes, anyway--because they keep me in touch with folks that have somehow been a blessing to me or my family in the past.
And every year I make an Album. I put in a copy of our letter and every card, letter, photo, etc. that we receive in the holiday season. It's our record book of friends and family. And they do get looked at again. Sometimes not for a couple of years, but every once in a while I'll pull out an album (what year did they buy that house? Oh, here it is...) and enjoy the old greetings all over again. It's the only scrapbooking I do; and it's getting more difficult because the big,cheap scrapbooks I like to use have pretty much all been replaced by Memory Albums with acid-free paper and Sheet Protectors, which are useless for an album of cards and letters. I still haven't found a suitable book for this year's cards, but I'm looking! the Christmas Letter really as hated as its reputation implies? Or are there folks like me who are happy for news in whatever form it comes? Do you do a Letter? And...does it take a whole day (a day plus, actually; I made a good start on it Saturday night) to write it?
Or does the very idea of a Christmas Letter make you think 'Bah Humbug'? ;)
Monday, December 03, 2007
Laundry and PJs
And, while I've got white thread in the machine, and the remnants of the flannel out, I think I'll go ahead and make the pajama/lounge pants...once I decide which two of the three of us I'll make them for.
Or...maybe I'll just make a whole set of PJ's for my niece for Christmas....hmm, there's a thought...
But there's laundry to be done today, and white shirts that I can make w/the white thread that's in the machines, and some patterns to adjust.
It won't matter that I won't have a car ;)
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Choir Sundays #14
Jacket: Silhouette Patterns Robin's Jacket, made last fall from a red sparkley plaid from Fashion Sewing Group
Dress: The original version of The Sewing Workshop's Cityscapes Dress, made in 2005 from black poly/lycra slinky. We had a Christmas luncheon after church today...I'm still avoiding the waistbands ;). ( The head tilt is an effort to avoid glasses glare. It sort of worked...minimal glare...but I'm not sure I think the resulting goofy pose is any better)
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Love those sales...
But I did look for both the Hobby Lobby and the Hancock's on the other side of town. The Hancock's had completely remodeled since the last time I was there; I couldn't find much (it was a recent remodel; one of the clerks had some merchandise she was trying to put back in its place and she finally had to ask a co-worker where it went). But I did find the patterns; Vogues were on sale for 3.88 each, limit 5, so I picked up some that were on my ongoing list:
Vogue 8333; one of Claire Shaeffer's Couture's a double-princess seamed jacket with an interesting little pocket-in-the-pleat detail. I'll blame that one on the overwhelming inspiration of everyone's fabulous jackets. ;)
Don't laugh...Vogue 1017. That one's been discussed on the boards, and, while the sample and illustration look like a hot mess, that shirt actually has some nice details, and I think it'll look cool once it's made without the front frou-frou.
Vogue 2882. The skirts are great, ok? And, you never know, I might get inspired to work hard and lose 25 pounds ...
Vintage Vogue 1019. I'm a sucker for anything from the 40's.
And, finally, a pattern for a Romona Coat (think of Tom Baker as Dr Who...)Vogue 1266. Oldest DD gave me a mile-long black and white mottled fringed scarf for Christmas about 5 years ago that's been waiting on a long princess seamed coat in red or royal blue or purple or grey or black so I could throw the scarf around my neck and be Romona...
And, Hobby Lobby had Simplicity patterns on sale for $1. Their stock is pretty thin; I almost think they just get the patterns when they're released and then don't restock them, but I could be wrong. Anyway, I got:
Simplicity 3557, which is reminiscent of a dress I had in the mid 90's that I loved. Those vertical lines...
Simplicity 4273. Should I do SWAP, this is a contender for the wardrobe pattern required. I'd have to add a lining to the jacket, though, and pockets to the skirt and pants, but it could be done.
AND, last night I tore the waterbed sheets down to size. I misremembered how much to order, so I had a chunk of extra fabric. I can get some NSS pants (i.e., sleep pants) for two out of what's left, since it's 108" wide. Maybe both DDs? Maybe a pair for me? Hmmmm.....
Friday, November 30, 2007
The Blessings of TNT
So yesterday I finished out the too-big skirt, then I folded it up with the original muslin; after Christmas I'll compare them to see what I did wrong, then I'll send it off.
I decided to start the Christmas Sewing. One of the planned projects had already been scratched from the list due to a change in gift-giving plans; so I only had one 'Black Thread' item to make. I got the pattern and the fabric out and discovered that the vintage piece of fabric I intended to use was waaayyy too short to make anything close to what I had intended; I'd forgotten how narrow it was. I'm afraid it's just going to have to become trim; not enough to do anything with.
So I'm back to square one there. And I need to make a trip to Hancock's before I start the remaining Christmas Sewing (dress-up clothes for a 4 year old niece), but I had no car yesterday.
Rather reluctantly, I pulled out the latest fabric acquisition...the sheet flannel...and thought I'd change out the thread and work on those sheets.
Except it didn't excite me to make sheets. I was bummed that my skirt project didn't work, more bummed that the Christmas project wouldn't work (it was going to be Very Cool)...I thought about working on the budget instead of sewing.
Then I happened to think: I have black thread on the serger. And, as those of you who have been following the Choir Sundays posts have no doubt noticed, I could use some more black pants. There was a goodly piece of B. Black and Sons black wool gabardine in the 'on deck' cabinent...
So I spent yesterday afternoon making a pair of black wool gab Loes Hinse Oxford Pants. I think I started cutting them around 2; with breaks for dinner and the middle school holiday concert, I finished about 9:30.
Now, I have learned the prescription for sewing doldrums:
Go to the stash and pull a great fabric. An expensive, use-it-for-something special fabric that you've been afraid to cut into...or maybe you've been waiting to loose 10 pounds. Whatever. Just get it. Use it to construct a garment from a SIMPLE (that's the key; it must be a quick-to-construct item) TNT pattern (that's so you don't hyperventilate before you cut. You *know* this pattern fits!). The results will be terrific and you'll feel much better about sewing in a relative short time.
I'm gonna wear those black pants to death.
I didn't get a photo of them yet, but don't'll see them very soon and very often on the Choir posts ;)
I *do* have a car today, so I'm going to do some more work on the Christmas list (plus that run to Hancock's for the rest of the items needed for Christmas, I need to see if any patterns are on sale.), but the next item to be sewn is...flannel sheets. And I'm ok with that.
And I'm now less than 20 yards away from fabric parity! Oh, I'm getting close!!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
It's a No Go
Well, I guess technically my HPCNTS isn't a wadder...I can donate it if I hem it, so I'll probably just do a quick run through the 'blind hem stitch' and put it in the donation bag.
The doggone thing's too big. Waaaayyyy too big.
I really don't understand that. It was a little snug when I made the muslin...last fall...and I've gained a pinch of weight since then. I was worried that it'd be too tight; imagine my surprise when I found I could pinch about 2 inches out of the girth of the skirt
I should've tried it on before I put the facing on the waistline, I suppose; then maybe I could've fixed it. But, due to the integrated facing/fly facing on this pattern, that would've been really awkward...the facing was attached to the fly front before I sewed the side seams of the skirt and the whole rest of the facing was flopping free. And, having done the muslin, I really thought it'd be pretty close to ok anyway. I must've messed up somehow when I translated the muslin changes to the pattern.
I thought about taking it apart and redoing it, but this is a pocketless skirt; I had problems w/the fly front (which were mostly my fault, from trying to combine two methods...the one in the HP guide and Peggy Sager's, which is not written for a faced waist); there's something weird about the front curves (did I inadvertently sew the back sides to the fronts and vice versa? I really didn't think so, but that would explain the results); the fabric is more crisp than drapey and it's lighter weight than would be practical for fall/winter...anyway, I'm going to do a quick finish on it and pass it along.
Some garments just seem doomed from the first stitch; this was one of them. It was frustrating and it doesn't fit. Fortunately, it was rather inexpensive fabric so I'm just going to consider it a muslin.
I did learn one thing, though...I need to do a little work on it to redraft the proportions of the panels; when I made that muslin a year ago, I didn't think the seams were spaced quite like the pattern illustration showed them. I emailed Trudy, and she said the drafting program they use doesn't always grade things up proportionately (HP has already been raked over the coals about this by other folks; I'm not going there today). Anyway, I thought I'd try it as is, and, looking at the way those seams divide the skirt on me, it would look better if they were moved around a bit. So there's work to do on this pattern anyway.
Actually, I'm not sure the faced-waist style suits me very well; just about every faced-waist skirt I've made has had fit problems (too big). Maybe I'm too used to adding the wearing ease for an actual waistband and I need to change my paradigm.
But I'm not sure when (or if) I'll tackle this skirt again.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Quickie Queue Jumping
So yesterday evening I pulled out a pattern and some plaid flannel and made him some new sleep pants. I had to start w/tracing the pattern; it's an OOP Simplicity that I inherited from Miss A a few years ago when she was doing some stash purging (come to think of it, the flannel came from Miss A, too...thanks Miss A! :)) He wanted me to make it w/o the button fly, so I ignored the guide sheet and just sewed them up; they're just No-Side-Seam pants.
Miss A had used that pattern for sleep shorts for her now-college age DS, so I started w/taping the legs together so I could trace the full length pattern. From the time I pulled the table and mats out to a pair of finished sleep pants took me about 2 hours. DS tried them on last night and they fit just about perfectly; then he pouted a bit because I told him he couldn't wear them before his trip.
Now I want to go back and read the pattern guide to see WHY ON EARTH Simplicity drafted that pattern with 4 1/4" of length above the waistline...which, fortunately, was marked. I just cut 1" above that mark for the elastic turn-down.
That was so quick it didn't even make it to the 'WIP' list...
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Fabulous Jackets
I've just been blown away by the fabulous jackets that have been finished up and posted by a number of ladies who each qualify as a Sewing Enthusiast Extraordinaire. I'm feeling the urge to do something lovely and spectacular (keep in mind, that is a relative term) and I *really* just need to keep plugging away at the stash slashing.
Boy, have I learned a lesson about the impact of a single day of stashly indulgence. I am determined to sew up the fabric equivalent, but when I see wonderful creations like these it makes me want to chuck the whole Queue and do something tailored and gorgeous...or at least try.
Anyway, without further ado, if you haven't seen these jackets yet (they've all been finished within the past week!) go look:
Carolyn's Modified Simplicity Jacket
Erica B's Chanel-style Jacket
Lauralo's Chanel-style Jacket
Tany's Purple Jacket
Busy Mom's Brown Tweed Jacket
Kay doesn't blog (that I'm aware of, anyway), but she posted her photos in a Flickr album:
Kay's Ms Stylebook Jacket
This one's not quite as recent, but it's Fabulous all the same. Dawn was just ahead of the curve:
Dawn's Glen Plaid Jacket
So, yes, I will go back and work on the Queue; I will make a set of flannel sheets; and I will dream about the jacket I'll make when I've got that list done...
Monday, November 26, 2007
Headin' into December...
I'm not going along to the state drama competition after all; there were already enough chaperones signed up to go before DS asked his teacher, so that's a whole two days that I'll have available.
I do need to take one day and go do some more Christmas shopping, but mostly I need to do some Christmas sewing this week. I've got the Hot Patterns Classix Nouveau Trouser Skirt (henceforth known as the HPCNTS...) about 1/3 done. I had cut some pockets to put on the front/side front seam, but when I pulled the pieces out to put the pockets on I realized that the front section is much too narrow for inseam pockets and they'd criss cross under the center. I think the skirt is too fitted for side seam pockets...I think they'd gap. And I didn't cut slant pockets. So, even though I KNOW pocketless garments generally turn into unworn garments, I decided to leave the pockets off. I can at least wear it w/a jacket w/pockets, perhaps...which means the next step will likely be the fly front. Once the zipper's in it should finish out very quickly.
But after that, it's Christmas project sewing, which I really won't be able to discuss here for fear of certain relatives suddenly, unexplainedly, unexpectedly deciding to click on that link in the ancient email.
Then I need to sew up the flannel sheets. But I'm going to see where we are in the month of December when the sheets are done before I plan past that....
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Choir Sundays #13
It's the Sewing Workshop Cityscapes Dress, which I will again attest to being the best thing in the world to wear on the Sunday after (burp) Thanksgiving ;), from the deeply discounted slinky knit I purchased at Sir's last May.
The scarf is one of my first serger projects (that'd make it somewhere around 17 years old); just a small square that was finished off with faux flatlocking and fringe. It's too bulky to tie, but it works with a scarf clip (from, oh, 1990ish?)
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Checkin' In
Anyway, the only member of the family to venture out into the Land of Shopping Frenzy was My Sweet Baboo, who felt compelled to do some computer upgrades. He went out fairly early, he hunted parking spaces and he stood in lines but he came home with what he needed and spent the rest of the day installing his purchases, so I didn't get on the computer at all.
Which was, I guess, ok, since I was busy with the kids decorating the tree anyway. Number One Son worked all day yesterday and today, he won't be able to put *his* ornaments on the tree until tomorrow afternoon. But I'm hearing the cry of the sewing room today, so I'm hoping to get at least a *little* work done on my black Hot Patterns skirt...which I'm seriously hoping will zip when I'm finished ;).
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
'Twas the Day Before Thanksgiving....
Dinner will be at 1:30 tomorrow.
So let me wish one and all a lovely day of feasting to celebrate life and love and friends and family!
And some final fall photos to cap off the season...I rode my bicycle to meet DD after school yesterday, and we rode up the greenway a bit, then over to the main road towards the high school, to meet DS coming home on his bike. It was a fabulously beautiful day, and I took the camera and got some lovely photos. We've got rain and thunder forecast for the next 24 hours, so I expect all this will be gone by Saturday...
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Thanksgiving feast for the eyes
I really must confess that I expected very little fall color this year; given the fact that the trees were frost damaged in April, and stressed by extreme drought all summer, I expected the leaves to pretty much dry up and fall off.
I was wrong. Apparently there was just a bit of rain at just the right time and our color this year has been a week or so later than normal and just spectacular. We're just barely past peak now and I thought I'd share some photos I took from the front porch during a sunny moment yesterday morning:
Monday, November 19, 2007
Where is this year going???
I've been that way all fall. It just does not feel like it should be pushing towards the end of November...I know Thanksgiving is early this year, but that's only part of the problem. Somewhere there must be some brakes; I gotta figure out where they are and how to apply them.
Anyway, you'll all have noticed ( eta non-pertinent observation...I guess that's proof that I haven't been thoroughly Southernized even after 27 years in Alabama; I didn't say 'ya'll will have noticed...') that I finished the Tribeca shirt; I got up early yesterday and did it before we left for church. I was just too tired to concentrate Saturday evening. It was 9 PM before I got back home and at that point I did well to remember that the turkey needed to move from the freezer to the fridge to start the defrosting process.
Black stuff is up next; I've got one skirt left in the Queue that needs black thread still, and I've got a couple of Christmas gifts to make that need black thread (you won't hear details about those until after Christmas; there's an ever-so-slight chance that the folks for whom the gifts are intended will stop by here at some point).
But first is housecleaning/turkey cooking/family celebrating. I love this time of year...I just wish I had an extra week right now!
Or even just an extra two days... ;)
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Choir Sundays #12
Pants are the black poly microfiber Sewing Workshop Plaza Pants again.
I do have a black tank top on underneath the Tribeca; the buttons are spaced far enough apart that the top sometimes gaps a little when I move around. Nothing a little knit cami doesn't take care of ;).
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Shop 'til you Drop
Shop, of course! Our Friends class 'just for fun' outing for this quarter is today; we're heading out in just a bit on a road trip to Opry Mills Mall, with a probably meander through the atrium at The Opryland Convention Center. Hopefully, no one will 'drop' before we're done for the day!
Meanwhile, the Tribeca needs only one buttonhole and the buttons; I hope to get it done before I go to bed tonight. I'd've finished last night after the day's busyness, but my sewing machine and I got into an argument over the buttonholes and consequently I ended up unpicking one and a half of them. Hopefully I can coax it into doing that last one right for me after I get back tonight... ;)
Friday, November 16, 2007
It's the Right Thing to Do
Turns out one of her (guy) friends had to make a sudden trip home (out of state) for an occasion that dictated a suit; he'd purchased a suit from Burlington yesterday evening but the pants (of course) needed hemming. His plane was leaving at 6 something this morning. Could I help him out?
Sure. I'm sewing anyway. Tell him to come by.
So at 9:45ish last night I'm pin marking the hem on a pair of dark grey pinstripe pants, remembering the lessons from the salesman at S&K about how they mark pants for hemming (mark where the pants hit the floor with the fitee in stocking feet; trim the excess off at that point and hem them one inch) I whacked the extra off with the rotary cutter, serge finished the edges and stitched them up with the blind hem stitch (which really isn't, but, well, whatever) on the sewing machine.
It took almost as long to change the thread as it did to sew the pants; but since I put black thread in the serger and my next up-projects will need black thread, it's ok.
The event for which he was headed out of town was his grandfather's funeral. He expects to be a pall bearer. And he said the last suit he bought was in junior high school.
Even if I made a habit of charging for alterations, there's no way I would've expected payment from him for that. But I did joke with him that, out of the options of 'good, fast, and cheap' for work that I do, this was 'fast and cheap.' ;)
Thursday, November 15, 2007
A-HEM (or two or so)
Put the twin needle in the sewing machine yesterday and hemmed up the burgundy slinky Sewing Workshop Cityscapes dress (bottom and sleeves) and the Textile Studio Monaco shell (bottom and armholes). I think I'll wear the dress the Sunday after Thanksgiving;it's a perfect 'Oh, mamma, I ate too much!' dress. No waistline + interesting shape = hides a multitude of sins.... This is the third iteration of this dress; overall, I've shortened the skirt 4" (in 1" increments in the body of the skirt to preserve its, um, interesting shape) and shortened the shoulder seam...I think it was 3/4"...and raised the sleeve cap to compensate. It's a *great* pattern for slinky!
I don't have a photo of the shell yet; if I wear it this week it'll show up on the Choir Sundays post.
I'm gonna *try* to finish the Tribeca (since it's still just in the bag w/o a stitch, 'finish' sounds a little, um, understated) by Sunday. Dunno if I'll make it or not; I'm home today but gone this evening, tomorrow, tomorrow evening, and all day Saturday.
Plus there's a holiday next week (shriek!) and sometime really, really soon I need to do at least a *little* (ahem) house cleaning....
At least I can't complain of boredom.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Cheering Loudly
Hm; I can't link to the individual post. You'll have to scroll down to You can't buy Style but maybe you can make it
Read it carefully and you'll see that Scott (the Sartorialist) made that skirt his daughter is wearing in the last photo!
Scott is a photographer. A very good photographer; I love looking at his photos for inspiration (and sometimes amusement). Someone mentioned in the comments that Scott had posted a bit about sewing when he was young...but Scott does not, as a rule, sew.
But he made his daughter's skirt.
There were some comments that mentioned he perhaps didn't use the best techniques, and he probably didn't...but his daughter was involved in the process of making the skirt and loves it; it'll easily hold together until she outgrows it, and, wow, what a memory she's got!
And how beautifully Scott demonstrated that one does NOT have to have advanced sewing skills to make fashion (But a perusal of what is offered in RTW should convince anyone of that...). As a home sewing enthusiast, that makes me want to stand up and cheer.
Go forth and sew something!
(now to follow my own injunction... ;) )
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
May I Take Your Pledge?
Sigh. I spent yesterday running errands and hunting blue jeans that fit for the rapidly growing younger DKids and didn't get a stitch sewn (although I did look at some RTW tops for DD that could be easily copied using the pile of knits I got at Sir's in May...for much less than the $twentysomething sale price on the tags).
I'm not expecting to get anywhere near the sewing machine today, either.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Bonus Post: Thank You
Words can't express it. Thank you.
Lil' Praisers Costumes Done
Three of us (plus Miss M's 12-year-old DD, who turned tubes and hammered on snaps)worked from around 10 AM to around 8:30 PM Saturday, but we finished all
23 costumes (we didn't have enough of the cream to make all three robes); most of them have a head drape, sash and either head band or tie. Not a full set for any one outfit, but all that we were given fabric for and enough for a pre-school audience.
The Pre-School pastors were quite pleased and used one of the costumes in yesterday's lesson time. Whew!
ETA for clarification: This actually represents three sets of costumes, as we have three campuses at which our church meets. So there are actually eight costumes for each campus...and each campus used one of their costumes as part of the lesson Sunday morning.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Choir Sundays #11
Top: The brand-new brocade City Dress shell (gotta use the new stuff!)
Pants:Black poly microfiber Sewing Workshop Plaza Pants, which are beginning to look a little worn (they're only...3 years old?) and need to be replaced.
I ended up getting pulled out of choir to do some other things today, but I didn't know that was going to happen when I left the house....
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Saturday Food for Thought
Meantime, for your reading pleasure, I offer the following. Dunno who originally wrote it...I think I first heard it about 15 years ago, and I've heard several variations on it from different folks since then. But it's a cool story...anyway, here's my take on it:
The Teacup Story
Once upon a time, a retired couple was on vacation in rural
At the inn, the wife couldn’t resist another look at their purchase. She removed the teacup from the box and the tissue paper and set it on the bedside table. It was just as lovely as she had thought in the shop. “I wonder what this little cup would say if it could talk?” she murmured.
Both of them were shocked when the teacup quietly stated, “But I can talk. And I do have a story to tell.”
When they found their voices, the couple both urged the teacup to tell the story. This is what they heard:
I wasn’t always beautiful and lovely like this. When I first became aware of myself, I was a lump of gray clay sitting on the counter in the Potter’s workshop. I looked just like every other lump of clay sitting there…colorless, shapeless, unappealing. But, before long the Potter picked me up and threw me down on this spinning wheel, and I went round and round and round until I thought I was going to be sick. “Please!” I hollered, “Let me off of this thing! I’m getting sick!” But the Potter just smiled and said, “Not yet.”
Then, he stuck his hands in cold water and began to push me and squeeze me and pull me. Now, not only was I sick, but I was hurting! “Ouch!” I yelled, “Don’t do that to me! That HURTS!! STOP!” But the Potter just smiled and said, “Not yet.” He even pulled some chunks off of me, and I cried and I cried, “Oh, stop! Please stop!” But he just kept me spinning and spinning and he was pushing and pulling and I thought I was just going to die…and he stopped.
“Whew!” I thought, glad that was over. The Potter carried me into a little stone room, with lots of other clay pots and cups and bowls and set me on a little shelf. He went in and out of the room a few more times, bringing in other pieces and putting them on the shelf. When the shelves were full, he shut the door and turned the latch. I thought he was going to leave us alone now, but before long the room began to get hot. It got hotter and hotter and hotter and I thought I would die. “Hey!” I yelled, “Get me out of here! I can’t stand this heat!” The Potter came and looked in the little window in the door. “Get me out!” I cried again. But the Potter just smiled and I could read his lips say, “Not yet.” Just when the heat nearly had overcome me completely, it began to be cooler. Slowly we cooled back down, and the next day the Potter came and took us out of the oven. I was set up on another shelf in the workshop. “Boy,” I thought, “I’m glad that’s over now.”
I stayed on the shelf quite a while. Actually, I began to wonder if the Potter had forgotten me. Maybe he didn’t like what I was or he didn’t think I was good enough. He took other pieces down while I sat there and collected dust. I was happy when the Potter finally took me down and carried me over to one of his workbenches. I thought He was about to use me for something, but instead he began to cover me with this cold blue stuff. “Ug!” I said, “This stuff feels icky! Stop that!” But the Potter just smiled and said “Not yet.” When he’d finished, he set me back on the shelf, and the stuff dried and felt tight and I didn’t like it. The next day, he took me down again and began to tickle me with a little bitty brush, smearing on this green and pink stuff. It tickled and tickled and I laughed until I cried, “Stop that! I –ha-ha—can’t stand – ha-ha – it!” But the Potter just smiled and said, “Not yet.” Finally, I went back on the shelf while the new stuff dried. It itched and I couldn’t scratch it and I didn’t like it. I felt very sorry for myself.
But, the next day, the Potter picked me up and took me back to the oven! “NO!” I cried when I saw where we were going. “Don’t put me in there again!” But the Potter just smiled as he set me back on the same little shelf again. “Please don’t leave me in here!” I begged as he shut the door and turned the latch. Sure enough, before long it began to be hot again, and it got hotter and hotter and the air seemed red and the window wavered and I screamed, “Get me out of here!” But the Potter just smiled as he looked through the window, and once again I saw his lips say, “Not yet.” Again, it got so hot that I thought I would die, then it began to cool off. The next day, the Potter took me out and put me back on the shelf in his workshop.
I thought I would surely be able to sit quietly now, but I had barely been there an hour when he pulled me down and began to cover me with some clear stuff that smelled bad and stung me. “Ouch!” I coughed. “Stop that! I can’t breathe!” and I coughed some more. But the Potter just smiled and said, “Not yet.” This time I was afraid of what would happen when the stuff dried, and sure enough, the Potter carried me back to the oven. I cried and I begged, “NO! You can’t do this to me again! I can’t stand it! Please don’t!” He set me on the shelf and I cried some more, “You don’t understand how hot it is in here! If you loved me, you wouldn’t leave me in here! Please, please take me out!” And just before he shut the door, he looked at me. And I was surprised to see that, even though he smiled as he always did, he had tears running down his cheeks as he said, “Not yet,” and turned the latch.
This time the heat was even worse than before. I couldn’t even get breath to call out for help, even if I had thought it would do any good. I knew I was as good as dead, and if the Potter was going to keep doing those awful things to me and putting me in this awful place, then I was going to die of it before long, anyway. I wanted to die and get it over with… but I didn’t. As before, when I had endured more than I ever thought I could endure, the heat lessened and I could breathe again. And, the next day, the Potter came and took me out of the oven. I looked at him and I said, “Well, what torture do you have for me now?”
But, he just smiled at me and set me down on the workbench. I closed my eyes, because I was afraid of what he might do next. But, instead I heard him laugh and say, “Look at yourself now!” and I opened my eyes. He was holding a mirror in front of me, and for the first time since he began working on me I saw myself…and I was beautiful! I couldn’t believe it! I had been ugly and cold and formless, but the Potter made me into the cup you now see before you. All the time I thought he was mistreating me, he was remaking me. Before I was worthless…but he gave me great worth. And I will always love him.
“…Can I not do with you as this potter does?” declares the LORD. “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so you are in my hand….” Jer. 18: 6