I've got the sewing part of the dress-up clothes for my niece finished; I used a couple of different patterns and got something, um, unique:

. The cape pattern is
Simplicity 5512, made without the hood in a size 5. That wild fabric didn't come from *my* stash; DD the elder actually has a box or two of obscure fabric, most of it obtained when the drama department cleaned out a closet her senior year of high school. This was one of the drama discards and DD said I could use it. It's pretty and sparkly but feels really icky...bristly like my Tailor Velvet board. It'll work for play, though.

The dress and belt are from an OOP pattern, Simplicity 9698. I actually made dress-up clothes for my brother's girls about 10 years ago with this pattern, so I dug around and found it...and realized that it is basically a glammed up Bible costume! You can really do a lot with a good basic Bible costume...and I need to remember that I have this one around, just in case I need to make some little kids' sized Bible-wear.
I'm also making a floaty tutu, following
Angie's excellent Tied Tu-Tu Tute. It's about 2/3 tied off. I thought it could be an overskirt for the dress, but it's coming out much poofier than I expected. Oh, well, a 4-year-old will still have fun with it, even if it's not worn with the princess dress.
A trip to Claire's or Libby Lu's for a little tiara and that's my last Christmas project done and ready for wrapping.
Which is a very good thing; I have laundry to do and suitcases to pack ;)
ETA: Here's the finished tutu (I'm going to need a big box)
Your tutu is very pretty. Your niece will love it all, I'm sure! It brings back memories of the years I've spent as costume director for the studio where my daughter dances. I do not miss the days of tutus piled all over my house! This time of year with the Nutcracker costumes was SO stressful! (I took a break from it all this year!) Yeah!!!