Sunday, December 02, 2007

Choir Sundays #14

This month's choir colors: Black and red

Jacket: Silhouette Patterns Robin's Jacket, made last fall from a red sparkley plaid from Fashion Sewing Group

Dress: The original version of The Sewing Workshop's Cityscapes Dress, made in 2005 from black poly/lycra slinky. We had a Christmas luncheon after church today...I'm still avoiding the waistbands ;). ( The head tilt is an effort to avoid glasses glare. It sort of worked...minimal glare...but I'm not sure I think the resulting goofy pose is any better)


  1. What a classy outfit! Definitely great for this time of year. Warm, yet very fashionable.

  2. Very chic outfit and I love black and red on you!

  3. Thanks, ladies!

    Y'know, the whole reason we are giving specific colors to wear in choir is because it works better for TV broadcasts. Our services are broadcast locally, and, through a connection that's really remarkable, they're broadcast in Europe on Gospel Channel Europe. So, believe it or not, all my European sewing buddies could actually see our church services! The catch is that it's probably on in the middle of the night...LOL

  4. Lovely outfit and the jacket is outstanding!

    I will try to find out about the Gospel Channel Europe; I don't know if it is broadcasted through our Portuguese cable TV or not.

  5. Tany, I have no idea if it's available on cable or not. I know it is broadcast to a satellite from Iceland; it may be that only folks with direct satellite tv will be able to get it....


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