The oft-repeated black and white stripe RPL modified Loes Hinse Oxford Pants, my even MORE oft-repeated black twill Burda 05/09 waistcoat, and a hemmed rayon/silk chiffon burnout scarf. First time to put these together in combo; I think I like it. Will like it better with the blouse-in-progress instead of the cheap blouse with the floppy faux-french-cuffs....
The scarf is pretty and I don't wear it enough. I bought two or three pieces of the burnout silk on sale a few years back; 2 yards at 45" wide. Cut off the selvedges, squared the ends and then split it in half lengthwise. Rolled all edges. Kept one, gave one away....of this fabric, anyway. The others were Christmas stocking stuffers.
Next month we're wearing black and metallic gold. I actually have half a calfskin that is gold foil finished, obtained a couple of years ago specifically to make fronts for a vest. Thought I'd use that Burda waistcoat, but then I got afeared the collar would be too bulky in leather. Not sure it would be as appealing without the collar, so trying to pick another style. Not placing any bets on whether or not it gets done by the last Sunday in March....and I might have a couple of pieces of gold-metallicy-knit coming in the mail this week. I *might* actually get something made from the TNT knit patterns. Which would be great; currently I only have ONE metallic-y garment and March has 5 Sundays...