Thursday, March 05, 2009

The Sewing Sisterhood

I've been very remiss in this...

Claire from 1 Seam at a Time and Amy from Shirts and Skirts Galore both awarded me the 'Sisterhood Award', which is designated for blogs that show 'great attitude and/or gratitude'. I'm honored and amazed when blogging buddies connect my name with any award, but this one is special. Thank you, ladies, very much!

According to The Rules, I'm supposed to nominate ten more bloggers for the award.

But this award has been flying around the sewing blogsphere, so I'm going to take it upon myself to deviate and just recognize one blogger who has so moved me in the past threeish weeks that I am in awe.

The Rusty Bobbin's Inklings was, I think, the very first sewing blog I read with any regularity. Beth inspired me in many ways: her garment sewing, her regular chatty blog posts, her fitting adventures, her church banner production, her amazing dolls. We've even met in real life at the Atlanta Sewing Expo.

But The Rusty Bobbin is on indefinite hiatus. Three days before Valentine's Day, Beth's hubby (whom she always referred to on the blog as 'Mr. H.') experienced a severe stroke. Now, Beth's daily updates are found on Caring Bridge, and they reflect a journey much more demanding and much less certain than fitting pants.

Yet, Beth has maintained her attitude and her faith through this. And the Sewing Sisterhood award is given to encourage her and let her know that I -- and many others -- are praying for Mr. H's full recovery.

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