Thursday, July 20, 2006

Medieval Dresses

Moving on to phase two of Project By Royal Decree...the dresses. The Teen Daughter of the Children's Pastors will be wearing a dress that her mother wore; it just needs some fairly minor alterations and some new trim. However, neither her mother, PJ, nor I were quite happy with the fit of the the other old dress that PJ pulled out of storage for herself (acutally, it's the red dress that's in the photos on the web site linked above. Only without the gold undershirt). Even with some altering, it just wasn't going to be quite right. So we decided a new dress was in order. The nod went to McCall's 4889, in an antique gold crushed panne velvet (yes, the Evil Fabric to be Avoided has found its way into my sewing queue again). We purchased the fabric, trim and notions yesterday and I'm going back to Hancock's for the pattern today, since the McCall's patterns go on sale today. The knit should be fairly forgiving in fit, but I still want to make a muslin; PJ is going to need a FBA and I'm kinda out of practice on that...

Today's my last day for attic cleaning; I've made a huge amount of progress and feel fairly good about what I've been able to accomplish. I just need about 90 feet of hanging space so I can get everything off of the rolling racks.

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