Poor Belle was held together with prayer and saftey pins; one muslin clearly was not enough to properly fit the bodice on this style. Unfortunately, one muslin was all we had time for. It didn't help that the young lady portraying her had a nasty digestive virus two days ago and probably lost five pounds in the process. I will say, however, that the camera shows the loose fit much worse than the naked eye, and I'm told that, from stage, it looked great. We still have to finish the bodice for the second Belle, who is playing the role tomorrow. I think we can do it ;).
As soon as I get a moment (next week?) , I'll review all the patterns I haven't reviewed yet and add updated photos to the ones I have.
I was surprised at the crowd we had last night; the church was full. Standing in the back of the sanctuary (in my Plan B costume, I might add), waiting on the cue to move into place for the opening, I looked at the crowd and thought 'This is it'...and nealy bawled. I think I was just really tired, but to my amazement I was blinking back tears. I didn't have a tissue anywhere on me, so I couldn't cry. "No, Lisa...you're happy! You're a shopping, singing Townsperson! No crying!" Fortunately I pulled it together but it was a near thing. :rolleyes:
But it was worth it! We received many compliments on the show afterwards, and, most importantly, there were 15 people who made decisions concerning their relationship to Christ, which is why we do this whole thing in the first place.
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