Monday, August 10, 2009

The White Campshirt

Doggone it. I knew those drag lines would jump out in the photo...they don't seem nearly so obvious IRL. Ah, well.

I actually upped the size on this just a bit; perhaps I needed to do a FBA as well to get rid of those lines. But, hey, this is *still* better than RTW.

It's Louise Cuttings 'TownANDCountry' campshirt...and it has great details. I put the pocket and tab detail patterns on the home scanner and reduced them in size by about 5%; I think that works better w/the proportion on my frame.

This one has been on 'The List' for quite a while; can you believe it is now the *only* short sleeved white blouse in my closet?

There are so many things on 'The List' that I have a real problem trying to decide which thing to do next...


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