Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Once more, from the top...

A post that has nothing whatever to do with sewing...except to possibly explain why I haven't done any

Last night was our annual Harvest Fest...a big community party in our church parking lot, with every inflatable family-fun-type apparatus you can imagine and a few I'd never have thought of, popcorn, cotton candy, hot dogs, singing, dancing, puppets....all free to the community.

It's fun and it's exhausting.

It rained us out. So, we all went into the sanctuary for some skits and songs and such by Master's Commission and our Kids Choir (who were supposed to be on stage in the parking lot anyway), and plans were announced to hold all the games and food over and do it tonight.

Well, it's been raining off and on all day. And the forecast is calling for possible thunderstorms yet this evening. I don't know what we'll do if it gets rained out again.

Well...we'll see!

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