Saturday, November 18, 2006

Feed Problems

I discovered that Bloglines is not getting the updates from my blog and a few others; the problem appears to be with the atom.xml (I think that's what it was) feed. Bloglines has errors in that feed (it shows up as a red exclamation point at the top right of the screen when you try to see the latest feeds from a particlular blog). Anyway, it says that the feed is apparently not in existence. I don't know if that's Bloglines' problem or Blogger's problem.

The Bloglines button on the sidebar doesn't seem to be involved in the feed process; I think it must be a Blogger thing...

But, as I said, I'm not the only one who's getting this error, so if you're checking bloglines and your favorite blogs do not appear to have been updated, it might be a feed problem...

1 comment:

  1. I just discovered this prior to clicking on your feed in my Bloglines. I think it may be a Blogger issue,as all those blogs I read that are on blogspot are getting the red exclamation mark showing. It seems it guit updating around Nov. 16 or 17. Because when I go directly to the blog there are more posts that came after 16th for several blogspot blogs.


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