Saturday, June 07, 2008

A Little Lamenting

Last summer, I visited a very interesting couture shop in Nashville and splurged on a piece of Denim Eyelet. I think I've decided what I want to make with it, but the pattern needs to be tested out and tweaked before I cut into it.

Yesterday, in an exercise in self-torture while taking a break from the pirate stuff, I stumbled upon This offering at Gorgeous Fabrics.

For just a fuzz over half of what I paid for it at the pricey boutique.

Now, if I had already made my jacket up I wouldn't feel so bad. But mine has been sitting in the stash for nearly a year.

I guess that's what I get for cruising the internet when I'm supposed to be sewing...and know full well I can't buy anything right now anyway...


  1. That is sooooo pretty!!! Where is this shop??

  2. Muna Couture. It's an amazing little shop. You get off of I-65 at the interchange that goes over Textile Fabrics and go over to West End (Blvd?), and exit towards downtown. Muna is on the second story of a little strip shopping center on the immediate left.

    I don't think she's open on Saturdays; we went on a Friday last year. She's really neat to talk to and has some of the most amazing stuff in her shop!

    But it is, um, rather pricey. Just be ready. ;)


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