Saturday, March 30, 2024

Hey! A New Top!

 So I didn't think I would be doing ANY sewing for myself any time soon.  The church choir has dropped the 'seasonal color' thing we've done for so long and are just wearing, well, Janice Rigg's 'Common Wardrobe'...without realizing it, lol.  Denim with neutrals.  So, I more choir-driving sewing.

But.  Turned out that only sorta applies.  We got word early this week that for Easter we are to wear kind of a salmony pink or a turquoise/aquaish blue, with the neutrals.

Thought I had something that would work, but the scales have crept up a bit over the last year was too snug.

So, what to do, what to do.  I had a sweater the right color in the closet, but I needed a top to go under it.

Dug around in the stash and found a stripy knit print that I got for the Hydrangea wardrobe.  

Timestamp on this photo is 1:26 PM

Time stamp on this photo is 4:08.

Of course, if this had been The Great British Sewing Bee I would have had about an hour and a half to do that, but I went carefully and did a couple of extra steps to hopefully keep things humming along.  Something hosed up in the tension on the double needle hem so it's a wee bit tunneled, but that'll be our secret.  At least the pinks match...

I need something I can get on and off quickly because I will have about 15 minutes to change into my bible costume after the choir leaves the platform before I have to be in place for the mini-production we're doing this year.  And then, when that's done...change back to the choir clothes to repeat the process for second service. 

I will take a mesh bag to put over my head so I don't smear the makeup.  Hopefully. LOL.

But at least I have made SOMETHING for myself this year...


  1. And your virtual cheering sections goes wild, doing the wave around the stadium. Enjoy the services, then find some joy and comfort with family. He IS risen! Chris in FL

    1. LOL!!! Thanks, Chris, and a Happy Resurrection Sunday to you as well!

  2. Wow - that was fast, and very nice, too! Allelulia!!!

  3. Oh my goodness -- other church choirs do that, too?! I was in a choir like that when we lived in North Carolina but we didn't get enough advance notice of the dress code color for me to sew something up so it usually sent me panic shopping every Thursday or Friday based on the pronouncements in the Wednesday choir email... Now I have a closet full of bright colored clothing that does not match my personality and I call it my "choir costumes." Lots of pink/peach/coral and blues, as well as the dreaded white with khaki or white with denim, because every white shirt I put on only lasts until the first sip of coffee... Great job on your speedy new choir outfit!

    1. We did it for years...but now we've reverted to basics/denim. I can finally get rid of those non-flattering colors, lol.

  4. But we would do a month at a time, so I could usually squeak by with the neutral and a scarf or something for the first week and have something workable by the end.


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