Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Another costume out the door...

 So, here were are at the end of March, and I have not made a single thing for my closet yet this year.  Oh, I've putzed around on the Velvet Hippie Earth Mother Skirt, but it is really kind of a tedious thing to do and my heart is not in making a velvet skirt whilst the azaleas are blooming and the birds are singing and spring is calling.  I want to sew nice linen things.

But, first, the Easter Production.  This costume isn't going in the costume wardrobe, it's for a friend who is on staff at church and is, by default, going to be in all the productions.  He's borrowed one of my personal extra costumes and he's borrowed my son's costume in the past, so I thought I'd just make him his own.

The fabric came from a sale at Fabric Mart...the under robe is made of a wool/ poly/ lycra blend and it's really nice.  I did not make NEARLY as many bone-headed mistakes this go round; I guess I just needed to clean the cobwebs out of the bible costume skills, lol.

I got it to him today; I hadn't told him I was doing it but he'd figured it out, lol.  ETA  a couple of days later:  He thought I was just making a costume for him to wear, LOL.  He didn't realize until we were talking about it at dress rehearsal that this costume is for him to OWN.  

I have a couple of small pieces to make for the new Pharisee costumes that another lady is making.  We had white and blue costumes from years ago, with tasseled shawls, but thanks to The Chosen (you are watching it, right?) we need to put our Pharisees in black costumes, lol.  At first, I was just going to sew black ribbon over the blue ribbon on our existing shawls but, after I thought about it I decided we migh want the blue ones so I found some cotton/ linen fabric on sale at Jo Ann's (the only game in town, now, although who knows how much longer that'll hold) to make new ones.  It's surprisingly nice; I think it will work well.  But I can't find any tassels.  So I got several skeins of embroidery floss and I'm just going to make 'em.  

Dress rehearsal is Thursday; I'm behind, lol.  I will probably go in to work late; I have several hours in over my allotment already this pay period so I can  afford to use a couple of hours to sew in the morning.

Maybe I can squeeze in a bit of me-sewing next week...lol...but it will be a squeeze.  The calendar really doesn't let up until  mid April...and that's only for a couple of weeks.  I don't get an extended period of 'nothing on the calendar' until June...but I'm going to get a new hip that first week, so it's a good thing I have some time with no out-of-the-ordinary demands...  hopefully I can get recuperated enough that when things start ramping up again in the fall I'll be back to normal.  And able to put on socks and tie my shoes, lol.  It's day surgery, believe it or not.  Out patient.  Medical technology is truly amazing.


  1. There is an unexpected benefit to doing major orthopedic surgery as a day surgery: you get to do the actual “going home “ while you still have the good surgery pain meds on board. It doesn’t hurt as much to be in the transportation phase. I did a total knee replacement surgery as a day surgery. I highly recommend it.
    I pray the Lord’s healing hand upon you. Martha from Louisiana

    1. <3 Thanks so much! Yeah, I hadn't even really considered sitting in the car with a brand spanking new hip. Oy. Prayers are appreciated!!!

  2. It does sound crazy that you can go home the same day that you get a new hip, but I have a lot of family members in the medical profession and they feel the less time you spend in a hospital setting of any kind, the better in terms of not getting an infection. A very good friend had same-day hip surgery and was discharged with a DVD showing the exercises she needed to do, which felt like a little too much DIY for her but she is fine, and you will be, too! I will put your name in my prayer bowl of intentions, too.

    I am looking forward to finally hopefully sewing something to wear after a few months of helping care for a family member who passed away recently - I keep telling myself "after Easter" everything is going to happen in the sewing room, the garden, the house - you name it! Except I know the truth - every year, I think "after Christmas" all the good stuff will happen...or maybe after next Christmas...

    1. Oh, I have heard that as well. But I would like to know I can get myself on and off the potty before I venture home, lol.....just being real....

  3. You will! They will make sure before you're discharged. Amazing what we can do when we are motivated, LOL!


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