Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A - Hemmin' away...

Well, the very first thing done on the Simplicity top is hemming the overlap, so the double needle went into the machine.

And, since the double needle was in the machine, I decided to hem the cardi-wrap and call it finished.

Only there's about 2.3 miles of edge to hem on that thing. Working 10 - 15 minutes at a time, I *might* get the edge pressed up sometime tomorrow.

Plus I'm not terribly happy with the way it's looking. I didn't alter anything except for length (because I didn't quite have enough fabric for the whole front point...I shortened it 8" so it would fit on my fabric...), and the armsceye/shoulder/upper arm doesn't look terribly good. I didn't want a snug fit, since this is a top layer, but I think I should've taken the shoulder down and raised the armsceye a bit anyway. Doesn't help that my machines don't much like sewing this and I'm dealing with a plethora of skipped stitches, which makes the seams look kinda wobbly.

But it's really drapey, stretchy fabric, so I'm hoping once the edges are finished and I can put it on and arrange it *just so*, it won't be too bad. We'll see...


  1. I STILL have never gotten to make my Bistro jacket. It's even been altered for my FBA. Sheesh! :D Yours looks great though. I really thought the top was RTW, and that's the mark of a great project! You look great in purple!

  2. Truth be told...the armholes on that top gape fearfully and I *must* wear a jacket at all times. I've learned that I have to put some clear elastic on the lower front curve of most knit tops to make them acceptable stand-alone garments.

    I need to go back and do it on that purple top...just never have...

    Purple is my 2nd favorite color! Right behind Royal Blue... ;)

  3. PS...make that jacket! It's quick! I wear mine all the time...and it was supposed to just be the test... ;)


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