A little bit later, she stuck her head in the door of the room I was working in. "I found a bag on that website that I love!" she said. "It'd be perfect for me to take on the trip...could you make me one like it? I'd pay you and everything..."
Well, of course it was The Weekender Bag. I laughed and told her that I'd made a few of those already...she had even seen one of them, but didn't realize what it was. She said she'd like hers in denim, and I said we'd talk after Easter... ;)
Well, ya gotta know this lady. She is one of the most gracious people you'd ever want to talk to, and has the ability to make folks feel like they are among her dearest friends...valued. She even took a big stack of robe sashes and headband tubes and turned them inside out for me whilst we were frantically trying to finish the costumes up. And, I just happened to have a large chunk of well-aged denim in the stash....so I didn't say anything to her, I just made it.
Graduation is Tuesday, and they're leaving on Wednesday, so I gave her her bag at church yesterday. She was surprised and delighted...it was cool.
This is a *heavy* bag, though...the denim is substantial. The flowered tapestry I used for the pockets (I put one on each side) is the last bit of remnants from a coat I made myself back in, oh, 1989?
I gotta make one of these for myself one of these days! ;)
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