I talked to DD at lunchtime yesterday, telling her I'd like her to stop by the house in the evening so I could test fit *my* flannel Burda one-seam pants and have an idea of whether I should size down for her or not, and she told me that she'd been thinking...she had planned to take her (exceedingly ugly, IMHO) basketball shorts as goof-off wear, but there is snow forecast for Iceland next week, so she decided to just use her basketball shorts for sleepwear. End of sleep pants problem, for the moment.
That still left us with her need for a lavender shirt to wear Sunday morning as part of the combined choir. I had cut out and begun assembly of the scoop neck version of Simplicity 4076, but she didn't sound at all optimistic that it would work. So I persuaded her to come home so we could check it; I mean, if it didn't work she was going to have to go shopping today.
Wonder of wonders, she said it 1) fit and 2) was kinda cute. But I could not get her to put it on for a review photo. She argued that she wasn't made up for a photo; that we could get a *good* picture Sunday, when she had the shirt all accessorized and fashionable.
I rather exasperatedly offered that this was a sewing photo, not a fashion photo, so accessories really wouldn't matter. She gave me an equally exasperated look, and uttered words worth quoting, if surprising coming from her..., "Sewing IS fashion!"
So the best I could do was put the top sorta close to her. I don't know if we'll get a good picture of it actually on her Sunday or not; it's going to be a very busy day, and I'll probably give my camera to a non-choir friend (I hope) so we can get some pictures of the costumes in the dramatic bits.
I told her she really needs to let me sew for her more often, so I have a good idea of what size she needs and what adjustments I need to make. She just rolled her eyes....
Yeah. The very reason I dread my 8 year old getting any older!