Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Whacha gonna do?

We're in a very active drama phase at church...we haven't quite geared up for Easter yet, but the pastor has been using drama as sermon illustrations all month. So far, costuming has not been an issue, but we're doing a song parody involving cheesy angels next Sunday, and, well, I need white capris.

Which are not in my wardrobe.

I explored some different options, but finally just broke down and spent $4.44/yd on some hefty white cotton twill from Wal-Mart last night. I'm *reasonably* confident this is not going to be excessively transparent, as white fabric is wont to be, so I don't mind...I'll have a pair of white capris for about $10 (counting the zipper), and I'm sure I'll be able to wear them some this summer.

So, I'm going to run that cotton through the wash a couple of times while I alter my Daphne Pants pattern to be capri-length.

So, it's two yards in the 'fabric purchased' column, even if I intend to get them made this week. Ah, well, couldn't be helped...

1 comment:

  1. A couple of white fabric tips (though, of course, you may already know this)...
    If you're worried about show through do pockets in a fleshy color rather than white and wear flesh colored undergarments rather than white. The white under the white can really show, but the fleshy color will blend and will help with the opaqueness.


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