We were *SO* hoping for an official 'Do Nothing Productive' day, but, alas, it was not to be. The local TV station reports that we had 1.5 - 2 inches of snow on the ground at 3 AM this morning...but then it changed over to rain and by the time it was light enough to take a photo this was all that was left. School even started on time. Now it's 34 degrees and raining...yuck.
And I've got to be productive after all... no popcorn/movies/games with the kids. Hopefully I'll finish the last two gift bags and get the review written....
This is the first visible snow accumulation we've had in Huntsville in four years; the last time it happened, DH was in Houston working the Columbia mission; the kids *did* get a snow day then.
Which brings to mind the fact that this is the four year anniversary of the loss of that ship and crew.
Just remembering.
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