What I didn't really notice were the green and white ovals scattered about the print.
So, here's the tunic, prior to cuffs, hems, and buttons/buttonholes (Sorry for the horrid photo; I *hate* taking self-portraits!):
I put it on Tuesday and asked DD if she could see anything 'wrong' with the shirt. She considered it to be surpassingly ugly, but didn't notice the 'cafe' sign at the left bust until I pointed it out to her. It is not 'quite' at the apex...but it's awfully close.
Print placement aside, I'm not really sure about this. The neckline is funny...it's too high in the front. There's no problem with the circumference; it's well able to go around my neck comfortably...there's something wonky with the draft, I think. The first time I made the blouse, the neckline *was* too small (that's a common fitting problem for me), so this time I made sure it was big enough. But it still feels like it's choking me...the thing is riding back, as if I had a round back. But none of my other shirts fit this way; I think it's just drafted too high. So that's something to check when/if I make this shirt again.
I'm assuming the weird stress lines in it are because it's just pinned up in the front; it's really difficult to pin a fitted garment closed by oneself without getting it even slightly twisted.
Anyway, I kind of suspect I'll finish this out, hope no one notices the print issues...and, after I've created enough pink tops to fill the need, I'll cut this one down for a shirt for DD.
Lisa, I wouldn't worry about the 'cafe' sign. I had to look hard to find what you were talking about and I consider myself a specialist in bad print placement! :g:
ReplyDeleteI agree with Beth. The "cafe" oval isn't a prominent shape in that print so it's not noticeable at all. And I mean that! BTW, I think I used this same print in aqua to make a dress for last Mother's Day.
ReplyDeleteUm, well, I didn't notice the "cafe sign", either! Must be ok!
ReplyDelete*whew* You guys are making me feel much better about this...when I first put the shirt on, that 'Cafe' sign just jumped out at me. But, as we all know, we're each our own worst critics; an objective opinion helps a lot. I'll have to wear it...I don't have time to do anything about it...so I'm glad to hear that it really is 'just me'. ;)
ReplyDeleteNo problem - isn't that the great thing about posting pictures and getting feedback? Just finish it up and find someone to take a picture of your pretty self!