Of course, while I was there I cruised around the fabrics, looking for either/both hot pink knits and orange knits. I knew I was a fuzz over $10 for three patterns, but I have to get some tops for choir in those colors any way. I'll be looking for some at the Expo, but I can satisfy myself that I did look for cheap stuff at Hancock's first. ;) Anyway, I found two pieces:
They're very definitely cheap knits; the one on the left is a boardy cotton jersey with a printing flaw and the one on the left is a crepey poly double knit that will probably be stifling to wear and may be pick-prone. But the colors are fabulous and the price was right ;). Hopefully I'll get the pink one made up this week; I'll be mulling over which pattern to use whilst I finish up the pink tunic (that one has some, um, issues...I'll try to get a photo up tomorrow). Two pink tops in the closet will be enough for me to feel like I can turn my attention to Expo sewing...
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