Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Movin' On

Verse for the day ' ...Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal...' (Phil. 3:13b-14a, NIV)

I was determined not to post until I finished that pesky Weekender. I pressed, hand basted, wrestled, grumbled at my fabric choice yet again and finally got the thing done to the button.

And I can't find the stupid button.

I know it's in the sewing room somewhere. I began the tear-the-already-chaotic-space-apart thing, then it hit me...this doesn't have to be *finished* for a month. All it needs is a handsewn button; I can set it aside, change the thread out and continue with the burgundy stuff. When I run across the button, I'll take 10 minutes out to sew it on. And if I *don't* run across the button by the time it needs to be done, I'll just do another button. Or something.

I'm not going to let one AWOL big red button throw the whole day out of whack. I've got Better Things To Do.


1 comment:

  1. Absolutely! It's so easy to get focused on the past. You must feel a bit better knowing that the worst is over and you can get on with sewing. Besides, the button will resurface eventually and 5 minutes later, you'll be officially done.


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