Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Sewing in the Odds

Odd moments, that is.

That's what I'm doing this week; I got the buttons on My Sweet Baboo's shirt whilst waiting at the dentist; my houndstooth jacket (I promise pictures when it's done) is going to get finished out in about 5 - 10 minute increments. I'm just on the go this week.

But Thursday-Friday-Saturday will be spent with the machines at church, working on the now-binned-up children's church costumes. If we can make 4 a day, we'll have half of them done by the end of the week. One more three-day session in 3 - 4 weeks and we should have them done. Whew.


  1. That's the way I sew...a little bit here, and little bit there. Eventually, it all gets done. "Eventually" being the key word here...I have a coat hanging in my closet that's been finished for two years, except for the hem. Maybe now that I finally got myself a mannequin, I'll actually finish it, LOL!
    Good luck with the costumes!

  2. It's amazing what you can get done in small time increments. That's what I've been doing although my results are not spectacular as I am just getting back into sewing again and learning to make alterations that I didn't use to have to make. Oh well! Looking forward to seeing your houndstooth jacket.
    Heather from Nova Scotia


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