Tuesday, December 10, 2024

...and a red hat that doesn't go...or maybe it does...

 My participation in the church Christmas production this year is minimal; I'm just in the chorus of the two Big Numbers...the one right before intermission and the finale.  For the finale, we are in biblical gear so, pulling out the ol' Bible costume for that one.  For the other one, we are in contemporary garb, and were encouraged to dress as 'characters' (ie, baker, barista, etc).  One of the suggestions was 'a granny'.

Well, I AM a granny.  How about a kinda hippy granny?

I had some things in my closet that I probably wouldn't ever wear in public as a combo, but it works for this...

White trainers w/ red trim.  Red sweat pants.  A longsleeved red t shirt w/ white snowflakes.  A white puffer vest.  Red hoop earrings.

But it needed something else...

Hey, remember all those hats I made?

What about a red bakerboy cap?

I knew I had some red corduroy...and some red velveteen....either of which would work.  Found the corduroy first.

For some stupid reason I cut out twice as many gores as I needed.  I guess I was just stuck on the number six.  Either that or I was still stupid from being ill all week (nasty tummy bug followed by a sinus/ ear infection...). I didn't get started on it until late Saturday afternoon. 

Had to use one of my backup machines; that's another story.  It wasn't as happy going through lots of layers as my main Janome...but it worked.

The best thing was finding a crocheted button in my button box...if I remember right, it was a spare from a sweater I had, oh, I dunno...30 years ago?  The sweater is long gone but the extra button was still in the box.

It was a pretty close match.

As you can see from the clock, I finished it up at about 20 minutes till twelve Saturday night.  Woulda been faster but I stopped for dinner and some laundry switching and I had to do a bit of unstitching and restitching because the crown was just a pinch too small for the band.  Tried to fudge it to be a wee bit bigger and it wasn't entirely successful.  There's a tiny pleat in the back band...shhhhh.....it's not terribly noticeable....

And...I would wear that outfit in public, if I switched the sweat pants for cream cords and the trainers for my vanilla granny boots, lol.  Make it just a pinch more uptown, lol.

That's my sole contribution to the costuming this go round. The team that pulled last year's production together whilst I was busy getting the boys married off had this in hand and didn't need me.

And, given how useless I was last week...it's probably a good thing, lol.  Still haven't gotten my appetite back...that tummy bug don't play, y'all.  Word up...wash those hands....a LOT.


  1. that hat style looks so good on you! What a great addition to your "granny" outfit! - Indigotiger

  2. I love you will miss you this year.Dad


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