Saturday, June 08, 2024

New Parts....

 Specifically, a new right hip.  Installed on Thursday...and I'm really amazed at how little pain I have today.  And today is worse than yesterday, lol.  I figure tomorrow will be about the same and then we should start seeing improvement.  I hope to be consistently walking without the walker in a week.  I can do it a little now...but I'm trying to be good....

Incredible what new tecniques are out there for these things.  That surgery took 30 minutes.  

Maybe in a few weeks I can actually put on my own socks and tie my shoes again....

And get back into the sewing room.  I'm behind. ;-)


  1. Good for you! I've had both of my hips replaced (17 and 12 years ago) and it has been amazing all that I can do---sew #1 and I practice yoga, walk, ride bike, garden etc. etc. Both replacements were life changers and for the better! (Debby Ritchie)

    1. I had a friend tell me I would wonder why I waited so long...but the truth is, I did it as soon as I could squeeze it in, lol. Once we tried all the alternative treatments w/ no real success it was just a matter of finding the right time to do it...

  2. Very glad to hear you are doing well - prayers for your continued recovery so you can start sewing again soon! (someone else can tie your shoes - delegate the less important things in your life :)) It really is amazing what can be done these days!

  3. They've come a long way in this procedure. I had both hips done (10 and 13 years ago) and I was on 50% weight-bearing for 6 weeks! The surgery was 1 1/2 hours long. Glad that yours was much better than that, and you will be feeling great very soon.

    1. I had a friend who had a hip replaced 12 - 13 years ago and she was amazed when I told her mine would be a 45 minute procedure and I'd go home the same day. Medical tecnology has really nailed this one....

  4. Glad to hear your surgery went well. Everyone I know that had the similar surgery was very pleased with the results.

    1. Seems to depend on the surgeon; when I was doing my PT previous to the surgery (trying everything else first, lol), my therapist told me to NOT let them put me with a particular the same corporate organization, I might add. When I called to make the first appointment, the receptionist wanted to put me with that very dr...and I told her 'I was told not to have
      Dr. X' she switched me. Night before the surgery, I spoke with someone who had had Dr X and 1) Dr X didn't use the same technique and 2) Dr X left one leg slightly shorter than the other. So I think I dodged a bullet....


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