I finished tracing the pieces printed on the pattern sheet today; I haven't made facing or lining pieces yet. I'm going to do a quick muslin first, then alter the pattern and then make the facing/lining pieces from the altered pattern. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to shorten the sleeves by about 2", but that's a pretty standard alteration for me on everything. I haven't sewn enough Burda patterns yet to have a regular set of alterations for them.
As I finished up, I moved the pattern sheet around and suddenly had a fresh appreciation for how small it really is...astonishing that an entire trench coat pattern is on that sheet, along with some others. My Sweet Babboo stuck his head in the room just shortly after and took a look at what I was doing. 'Wow,' he said, 'How can you see anything on that?'
Just takes a little patience...

But I finally got to use the little curvy ruler that I won in a giveaway a while back. If I had bought it, I'd tell you it was worth every penny. I zipped through adding seam allowances. I was going to post links to the etsy shop for them but it appears to be closed :-( However, Claire did post a note there, saying that anyone who had questions could email her at
sales [!at] sacurve.com . Perhaps she still has some available...NAYY and all that...
Next step: Muslin.
Time is tickin' away...tick tick tickin' away...
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