Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Crying 'Uncle'

I'm looking at the next two weeks and seeing a mountain of stuff to do; so I am going to do something I haven't done in the three years I've been blogging on Sew Random: I'm going to go to sporadic posts for the rest of the month.

I've done straight up blogging breaks, but I've never just said 'I'll post when I have something to say'. But, given the amount of things I have to do (we have FIVE Christmas-related events THIS WEEK) and the scarcity of time in which to do it, something's gotta give.

So, when/if I have somethings sewing-related to post, I will, but in the meantime I'm going to be working hard to get everything done that needs to be done!

Thanks for hanging with me!


  1. Oh, I know the feeling! Something does have to give, and better this than a lot of other things that are more important in life. Enjoy the holiday season and do take a breather now and then!

  2. Good luck getting everything done! We'll be happy to have you back, but completely understand! Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday season! :)

  3. I so empathize. I haven't blogged for the last couple of weeks and I've missed it but have been making Christmas gifts which I can't post or else people will know what I'm giving them. But I'm mlooking forward to posting again but probably not till after Christmas.

  4. I'm so very sorry you are having back problems, especially during this busy time. I'm glad you are taking a little 'blogging break'. We'll all be here when things settle down for you!


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