Thursday, July 19, 2007

If You Keep a Pattern Long Enough...

...the Right Fabric will show up. And, maybe, it'll even be on sale.

Remember last week, when I was so proud of myself for leaving Hancock's w/only one zipper? Well, I did peek around a bit and found a nice piece of grey B. Black wool gab on the clearance table. However, the marking was ambiguous and I couldn't tell what the discount was. I figured it was probably at least 50%, but, without a definite price I passed it by.

After I got home, somebody's post on one of the sites reminded me that I had Simplicity 4084, a trench coat pattern, in my stash waiting for an appropriate fabric.

Duh. You can't get much more appropriate than wool gab. So, today when I had to run in for some light grey thread (more on that another day), I picked up 4 yards of the 80% off. Wow. So the wool cost, like, 3.45/yard, including tax. And the buttons were 30% off, too, so I found some really lovely buttons to go on it.

Now all I need is lining...and time... ;)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a great deal. Goes to show you that you shouldn't get rid of patterns or pass up the clearance fabric table.


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