Saturday, July 28, 2007


Ok, whaddya do when there's TONS of fabric to be turned into clothes and accessories? The recent acquisitions were rapidly taking over living space; time to do something. The answer, to quote Redhead is to CHOP!

And chopping is what I've been doing this week.

The criteria were simple...fabric and pattern must both be prepared (although I fudged it just a bit by quickly making the adjustments to my Daphne pants that Cynthia Guffey pinned out in the Pants Tweaking class at this year's Expo).

Most of the garments were things that I've been intending to make for ages but just haven't gotten around to. But...if it's cut, it'll get sewn.

Current total: 25 5/8 yards In Progress. That's well over half the discrepancy between 'yards in' and 'yards out'. I still need a white blouse...and I have a patten and fabric both prepped for I expect to cut a little more before I call it quits and clean the cutting area, er, family room.

I'm taking the queue building to extreme here, but I'm tired of looking at fabric that should be wearable garments by now. ;)

ETA: still cutting; I found a chunk of fabric Miss A gave me back during Easter Costume construction that I kinda forgot to count. So the 'In' column is up by 7 yards. But I've cut out a pair of one seams...four times...from layers of chiffon. That's 8.5 yards for one pair of pants. The sample that inspired me was in Louise Cutting's booth in Atlanta; she'd made hers from silk chiffon. Beautiful, but my budget couldn't handle silk. At least I managed to get some nice quality poly... ;)

Anyway, with a skirt on the table now, another one waiting to hit the table and my white blouse still to go, I'm up to 36.5 yards in progress.

1 comment:

  1. You go, girl! This should fun to watch as the garment start to get finished.


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