The most recent cutting marathon (June 23-24) has now about been sewn through; I finished my CLD TownANDCountry Campshirt and DH's Jalie 2111 short sleeved shirt; DD's Kwik Sew campshirt is finished to the final front edge topstitching and buttons/buttonholes.
And I'll be OUT of cut things ready to sew.
I've got two more pieces of fabric that I purchased for choir clothing; a lavandar RPL knit and a pink tweedy suiting. I'm going to try to get those cut out today or tomorrow; I need to get them at least ready to sew before I hit the stage drapes (the desired chocolate fabric was found on the final attempt) and the Bible Costumes. I really want the lavendar twin set and the pink jacket done soon, or they'll get shoved to a back burner and may not make it.
So...time to cut... ;)
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