Friday, August 18, 2006

On a "Roll"

...serger rolled edge, that is.

I thought I'd try and get the stage drapes taken care of before we cut the costumes tomorrow; I'd already ripped them to size (5 yards long and split down the width of the fabric) and they needed edge finishing and rod casings. So I juggled things around, changed the plate on the serger, and started rolling.

There are 6 light blue drapes and 6 chocolate brown drapes; I'm down to the last three chocolate brown I should be able to finish it up today...two and a half weeks before they need to be hung, so I'm doing well ;). (Edit: later in the morning...I went out to finish rolling the edges and discovered that I really did finish that last set before I went to bed! So I'm done rolling...all I need now are rod pockets on the ends!)

Meantime, in between sessions at the serger, I trimmed the side curve and back of the shrug so that everything matched, and finished off all the edges on the lavendar 'twin set'. Hopefully I'll get a photo and review posted tonight.

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