Wednesday, April 19, 2006

French Toast

That's what McCall's labeled a line of girl's patterns back in the 90's, with a caption 'You don't eat 'em. You wear 'em.' I'd made an outfit for older DD from the pattern way back then and hung on to it because I thought it was cute. I pulled it out and made a little simpler version...minus all the lace-finished edges...for younger DD. The fabric is a gift from my DMIL, and, even though the T-top turned out a little big, DD loves you can tell.

Now all the current projects are done; time to cut again...or mend...


  1. Cute, cute, cute! Yep, I can tell she likes it a lot.

  2. I remember French Toast patterns! I think I made some for my oldest who will be 10 in 2 weeks. cute dress!

  3. I too remember the French Toast paterns... and I probably still have some in my pattern collection (Sadly, I never throw away a pattern).

    The outfit looks great, and you daughter looks so happy in it.


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