Monday, April 10, 2006

Done to the Paperwork

First I made up my mind to drop the grey blouse and sub the royal twinset from last year. But yesterday evening I walked into my sewing nook and saw the blouse lying there, armholes all unstitched, and knew I couldn't just let it turn into a UFO (UnFinished Object). So I grabbed some scrap fabric and started trying to get a gusset or something into the sleeve/armsceye to make it work.

I'll spare you the details. Nothing did. So I took a deep breath and took the sleeves the rest of the way off and finished off the armholes. One nice sleeveless scrunchneck blouse done. (It's currently the top review at the 'My Reviewed Patterns' on the sidebar or you can see the finished item on my SWAP link). I cut the covered buttons off and put them away before I put the sleeves with the rest of the fabric...I still have enough for another blouse; the sleeves might turn into facings or something. "Find a fitted sleeve that works" is now on my list of things to do this year.

But that completed the SWAP. I decided to switch the slinky twinset for the Vogue 7799 cross neck top that fits kinda wonky...partly because the top fits funny (that's my fault; the fabric was too heavy and stretchy for that pattern) and partly because the SWAP needs a shot of intense color. So...the now-named 'Shifting Skies' collection only needs the official photos and a little descriptive blurb, which I'll likely do today.

Next up: sewing for DD, while I decide which pants pattern I want to use on the khaki cotton/lycra I bought in Atlanta.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Um, no, we don't swap them with each other...but I see why you thought that. SWAP is an ancronym for 'Sewing With a Plan'...the idea is to plan out...and then sew...a mini-wardrobe of 11 pieces that all coordinate: A jacket, two skirts, two pants and six tops. If it all works, when you're done you'll end up with 48 different combinations to wear. Since two of my SWAP tops are actually twinsets, I'll have a few more cominations, which is kinda cool. Julie started the competition 2 years ago, mostly to encourage us all to sew up things we will wear, instead of starting and only perhaps finishing random garments that rarely get worn because they don't go with anything. We've all had a lot of fun and it has certainly encouraged a certain amount of discipline in fabric acquisition as well as garment sewing. All the photos and descriptions are due this week; I think we'll be voting next week and then the winners will be announced. There's an added bonus this year...Stitches magazine, which is sort of the Australian equivalent of Threads and published the wardrobe-planning articles that inspired the competition, is going to do an article featuring the winners of this year's contest. Ain't that cool? ;)


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