Thursday, February 09, 2017

Looking for a blog reader...

Unfortunately, I've run into a difference of opinion with bloglovin and I have closed my account there.  You can still follow my blog(s) there if you do already; but I want to find a new place to read.

I tried just using the follow function on Blogger, but I had to cut and paste each URL and that got old FAST.

So I made a quick account on Feedly and migrated over there as best I could.

It was still rather a pain as I could not find any way to just export the whole lot from bloglovin'.  So I did it one at a time, and was rather surprised to see how many blogs I'd subscribed to that hadn't been updated in a year...or two..or three....  But at least I could type the name into a search box and, generally, it found it without having to type in the whole http line.

But it has some limitations.

Feedly only allows 100 feeds on their free account, so I moved the active ones over there; was still a few over a hundred so I had to drop all of them that I can read via the author sharing their posts on Facebook; that put me under the limit.  I had to combine some of my categories, as they only allow three on the free account.  Nowhere could I find the button that says 'follow my blog on...'

So...anybody have a feed burner that they love?  Cause I'm not sure I'm going to be happy over on feedly, but I wanted to get off of bloglovin' NOW.

I am not one to hop up and down and insist folks agree with me on things, but there are lines I will not cross and BL crossed that line. 

So.  Back to the hunt for a (free) easy to use little feed burner...


  1. I don't have any helpful suggestions, but hope you find a good one, and let us know.

    1. LOL! Ain't that the truth...I liked Bloglines, back in the day, and then Google Reader, but they both went away... I seem to remember trying The Old Reader before I landed on Bloglovin'; I think they had a feed cap, too. Hoping to do some poking around over the weekend.

    2. ...just did the first day of reading through the Feedly list. I set it to show the whole post. Oh, it is nice to read the whole thing without having to click through. Maybe I'll just live with 'top 100 blogs' for a while....

  2. I've been using InoReader for several years and really love it! I upgraded to one of their paid versions a while ago, so I'm now less familiar with the limitations of their free version. But, I do know there isn't a limit on how many feeds you can follow, and (the free version) is ad supported which might not be optimal., if you want to take a look, and I think there's a "version comparison" page at I hope you find one you love!
    Diana in Northern California (not really anonymous but I'm at work and not logged in anywhere)

    1. Oh, that's a new one to me! I'll have to check it out..thanks!

  3. You've got me wondering what line bloglovin crossed. Was it the ads posing as blogs that you don't subscribe to? I had those show up for a while but I don't seem to get them anymore. I don't like that bloglovin has turned into an Instagram-Pinterest-Facebook type popularity contest - I don't care to have the stats on how many people read, followed or un-followed me so prominently displayed.

    1. Actually, I was never terribly enamored with the way it worked; I had to click through to read a whole post, I had to turn off the frame to leave a comment. The in-feed ads were annoying. But the line they crossed was the pop up message stating that they were supporting an organization that has long been at odds with values I hold dear and suggesting since I was a BL user I might consider making a financial donation to that organization. I was done. And yes, I told them why I was leaving when I closed my account. That sounds really trite, but I disagree with them on their perception of what those folks are doing so there really was nothing more to be said.

  4. Here I am again, just catchng up a lot of reading. My own blog is one of those not updated in forever, almost 2 years! I think about it often but am just not doing enough of anything to post. As far as bloglovin' and other readers goes, well I signed up for bloglovin' way back when but really I have my blogroll set to show most recent so I just scroll down to my last unread one and work my way back up. The thing I'm not enjoying is how many have switched to show a snippet with a 'continue reading' message to get the whole post. I'm missing a lot of reading I used to enjoy because that just bugs me, partly because it breaks the train of thought and partly because it uses up limited reading time. Maybe I'm just picky these days LOL


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