Sunday, March 22, 2015

Choir Wardrobe 3/22/15

March colors...'lucite' green (mint), navy blue and gray.

I took the LaStrada top to the cutting board and whacked 3" off the length of the shoulders, 3" off the length of the front and 5" off the length of the back and sewed the sideseams up about 3" beyond the only mark on the side seam.

It turned out much less floppy than the original, but I'm not sure how much wear it will get; the hip still fits a big snuggly and the fabric is so fine all the seams and facing show right through.  So it may get relegated to PJ top, but I was able to alter up the pattern based on this and I'm planning to give it another shot soon.

But with just a bit showing under a cardi, it's not bad.  Lee jeans, a navy Jalie 965 tank and the gray Jalie 2919 cardi.  Makin' it work. ;-)

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