Besides, my top 5 projects for this year were pretty much my sewing for the year...I really didn't get much done. Hoping that scenario changes for next wardrobe is in sore need of some sprucing up.

I'll give the 3rd spot to the Hippie Earth Mother Tiered skirt. I would live in these skirts in the summer, I think. This makes two that I own...I may very well make some more before too much longer. They are just FUN to wear...
The fifth place spot would probably go to the Jiffy Pop Top, just because it was such a spur of the moment fun thing that perked up my sewing confidence when it was seriously beginning to lag.
As we still have our family Christmas in front of us (New Year's Day), my cutting table is currently buried under gift wrapping supplies. Not finished wrapping yet. I do have a couple of things cut out I can work on if I can catch a minute or two.