Monday, May 06, 2013

Sigh. Not Me.

For about the third year in a row, I hesitated and then decided not to sign on to Me Made May...the little internet party in which all participants make a little pledge to wear something made by them selves every day in May and post photos (at least, I *think* the photo posting is part of the agreement...).

And, you know, maybe it doesn't matter at all, but I feel compelled to share my reasoning here.

It's the At Home Days.

On At Home Days, I am a slob.  Well, maybe not exactly a SLOB, but I make use of all the graphic t shirts that have accumulated over the years.  You know, those freebies that can handle a bleach splash, or oven grime or...well, whatever.

On most days when I actually leave the house, wearing something that I made is pretty much a given. I'm really not trying to brag; that's just the way it is.

In fact, I started the Choir Wardrobe series initially to see if I could wear me-made stuff every Sunday for a whole year.  It really wasn't that hard.

So you 'd think I'd be all over the Me Made May  and Self Sewn September internet parties.

But I can't promise to wear something I made every day, because on the At Home Days, I will be wearing my grungy, not special clothes. It might be the faded out jeans that are a hair too short; it might be a bagged-out pair of knit pants that I made.  It will likely be an event-related T shirt that won't grieve me if it gets stained somehow.

I just don't want to worry about it. see how wonderful my photo documentation has been of my Work Wear garments.  I've taken what...5 pictures?  Maybe?  Since I started doing that last fall.  Taking time for photography has not been my strong point, either.

But that doesn't mean I don't look at the pictures and sigh just a little bit because I'm missing the party.  I would *like* to participate...I'm just recognizing my limits.

But I'm cheering on the folks who are dressing intentionally and taking photos.  Maybe someday... ;-)

1 comment:

  1. :-) I recognized this problem right away when I realized MMM was just 2 days away ! I've never signed up for it (just not enough me-made stuff) and I didn't this time either. BUT I decided to try to wear one piece of me-made each workday, as much as possible. Had to give myself lots of leeway. So far, I managed it and even a made skirt on Sunday. No official sign-up, no pics - just seeing if I can do it. Already realized it's not gonna happen without noticeable duplicates unless I get more pieces made - motivation ! LOL

    I like watching everyone's pics too - but, my goodness, the dedication involved !


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