Monday, April 09, 2012

These are the comments I get...

I've gotten some pretty pathetic ones, but this one takes the cake.  It was posted from some spammer in Pakistan; I actually laughed out loud when I read it.  I mean, does the poor person even know what they wrote?

This was a comment on yesterday's lengthy choir weekend post...which, of course, did not mention a lamb anywhere:

I’ve never heard of that before, there are lots of fascinating customs. Your lamb turned out really well. I hope it brings you every good thing, including prosperity. TFS! 

The link tacked on to the end purported to be  to an online source for the GED.  I don't think I would trust the writer of that comment to advise anyone on getting educated...unless GED stands for something else that my sheltered life would not recognize.  In any case, I wasn't clicking on nothin'...not after just getting the computer back to something like normal after the last virus.

Spam, spam, spam, spam... delete, delete, delete, delete....


  1. Wow! I think I get through the first sentence and then hit delete. Do they really think we are going to click on the links? And I guess they aren't robots since they managed to leave these weird comments despite the newer more complicated word verification.

    1. Is someone paying some poor person to just add spam to blog posts? Do they really think that's profitable?? Amazing...

    2. Yes. In very poor countries they pay people a dollar or two a day for writing blog comment spam.

    3. It just amazes me that there is any profit at all in this kind of thing...or even that anyone would think there would be any profit in it. But I do feel for the folks who are stuck doing it.

  2. I am lucky I have not received any spam but there are some nasty viruses etc out there.
    I think your vogue jacket looked flattering in your photos and I loved how you combined your three choir colours.

    1. Well, I replied once and it disappeared...we'll try this again... ;-) Thanks, Janine. Gray and turquoise are colors that would be in my closet anyway, so that makes it an easy month to dress for choir. I kinda think the yellow on the turquoise looks a little loud, but when they put everyone together it blends pretty well.

  3. Today's spam was at least garment related; however, as it complimented me on my vast collection of dresses on the choir weekend post that featured blue jeans, I decided it was not valid and deleted it. The link on it was to a livejournal blog, which surprised me....


Real comments are always welcome! Spam comments will never see light of day ;-)