Friday, April 06, 2012

The 'B Minus' Jacket

Some things go together so nicely; others, well, others make me think I've no business claiming 'advanced' sewing skills.

The Vogue 1100 jacket started off well enough, but the whole collar debacle kind of threw all my sewing rhythm off and I ended up with a so-so jacket.

The redeeming features are the color and the fabulous scarf panel lining. Oh, and the fact that the fabric was on mad clearance and the jacket cost something like 20 bucks all told.  The small things that are 'off' will glare to me (and quite possibly to other seamstresses), but, well, in the middle of the choir it's not going to matter so much.

For all that, I really like the pattern and would like to make it again, now that I have THOROUGHLY acquainted myself with the pitfalls.

I did have what I believe is a drafting-an-alteration error, after all.  Won't go into it here, but it resulted in very skimpy hems.  If I make it again, I will correct that.

Anyway, here's the hanger shot.  I expect to wear this for choir on Sunday, so you'll see the 'on a real body' photo then.

I'm just really, really glad to move this into the 'Done' column!

1 comment:

  1. This is of great interest to me as I have that pattern out on my ironing board to cut out and make when uni finishes (not for about 10wks tho).
    Sew Passionista I think made it too a while ago. I haven't made a jacket that comes with a lining before but did put a lining (not too badly but not perfectly either) in a coat so I'm keen to try it. Thanks


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