Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Pattern Tracing Anointing

You'd think I'd be working on that Guy Laroche pattern preparatory to receiving my lovely wool to make it, but no, I've been tracing off this one instead:

I'm not really going off in an uplanned direction; I like the sleeve head shaping on both the jacket and the blouse (and, just in case you're wondering, I'm making the frou-frou free version). My intention is to see if this is going to be an armsceye/sleeve head combo that I can use as a template for other patterns...and I need some button-up shirts; my wardrobe has become very skewed towards t-shirts over the last few years. I've got the blouse traced with preliminary fit adjustments; the jacket's a little more complicated...but I can leave it on my table all day if I need to and whack away at it as I have a few minutes here and there.

I'm going to try to make Thursdays my 'go to church and work on costumes' day; I've got sorting/storage issues that need to be addressed before we find ourselves in the midst of a costume crunch again like we did last spring. Dunno at this point if I'll work one hour, or two, or four...a lot depends on what shape things are in and what ok's I get to clean house ;)

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