I did some work yesterday on the sidebar to get some more links...mostly to the blogs/websites of other sewing enthusiasts...available. Most of the sites I check are in the
Creative Fashion Sewing Ring, but there are a few that aren't listed there. I haven't quite got all the links I'd like, but I'm getting there. I really don't like the way the Creative Fashion Sewing Ring (CFSR) linkage/text looks, but if I read the participation requirements right, that table has to be included in my site for me to participate in the ring. I think a link to the ring list would be sufficient, but until I come up with a better way to do it I'm afraid I'm stuck with the kinda klunky looking table.
There's one site that I wasn't really sure where to put; it's Kathleen Fasanella's
Fashion-Incubator. Kathleen is not exactly a home sewing enthusiast; she's a professional patternmaker. Her blog is really aimed at garment industry folks who want to do lean, efficient production of sewn products, but she includes tutorials showing the 'way it's done' in the garment industry that are quite enlightening. So I put her link under 'Sewing enthusiasts' even though it doesn't quite fit. Check it out if you haven't.
Cat Fur Studio, which is Barbara Elfman Bell's site, is a really large page. Scroll around and you'll get it all.
I'm still trying to decide if I want to include links to fashion blogs; some are interesting but, I have to be honest, the language that shows up in some of them makes me wince. I've only got three bookmarked myself and those are pretty safe (although Manolo can post some definitely PG-13 rated items and some of the commentors on his blog can be somewhat potty mouthed --potty keyboarded?). I'm really not all up into fashion as such anyway...only as it pertains to inspiration for sewing. I'm embarrassed to admit that I really don't even know most of the folks the fashion bloggers write about.
Fashioned, which is Liana's fashion blog, is a good one for home sewers as she focuses on the details that could be translated into home sewn garments...and Liana (whose sewing blog,
Sew Intriguing, is listed in the CFSR) is an amazing seamstress with a truly inspiring ability to create elegant, fashionable clothing. But her fashion blog is linked to her sewing blog so you can find it if fashion is your thing.
One thing that I'd like to see on the CFSR list is a note of when each was last updated; only a few of us post daily, or nearly daily. There are several who post about weekly, but there are a couple of blogs that haven't been updated since, oh, last fall. Just a thought, but I'm not sure it's possible or to whom I should mention that little detail.
Anyway, all of this has sent me to older DD's copy of
HTML 4 for Dummies...maybe I'll finally get into it and learn how to do cool links and layouts myself. ;)