Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Finish Line Approacheth...

I got zero sewing done yesterday. Not a stitch either removed or put in. I didn't get anything else done around the house, either...I'm aggravated by my inability to use those little bits of time in between the outside-the-house obligations that seem to always crop up. I did get side two of the invisible zipper unpicked this morning, but in just a few minutes I've got to take oldest DS to the dentist (that will be the fourth trip to the dentist I've made for one reason or another this week), so I probably won't get it sewn back. And I'm getting nervous...that SWAP deadline is creeping up. I'm about to decide to switch the second (cream silk) blouse for a (white rayon knit) Loes Hinse sweater set. I need both tops; they'll both work with the SWAP, and the sweater set I can make in a day.

We'll see how much more, how much longer it takes to finish the grey blouse. Which really isn't about how much more sewing time it requires, but how much daily sewing time I can find.

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