It has been an ...interesting...couple of weeks in these parts. I typed up a whole backstory and deleted it; it's tedious, lol. The upshot is that my hubby went to Indiana to help his mom, came down with covid after he arrived, and I tested positive for it myself after I found out he had it; I was on meds for a sinus infection after a negative covid test earlier.
So I spent last week at home with the cat. I didn't really feel bad, and I never developed the bad cough and sore throat that other folks have had, but I had zero stamina. Just walking up the stairs pooped me out. I did manage to get some of the Christmas decor up, around working from home, but the sewing stuff I intended to do last week just didn't happen.
But I got the lights swtiched around on the porch rail garland. That was a PAIN. Because, stupid me, I made assumptions.... I ASSUMED that the white lights I bought from Hobby Lobby were the equivalent of the colored lights I'd bought from Hobby Lobby and switched out all the purple lights with the white ones, only to find that it didn't work when I plugged them in (why didn't I check after switching one light? matched visually; I thought it was the same....bonehead move...). So I had to take all the white lights back off and put them back on their original string. Then I got a couple of the multi-color light strings that had been on the bushes two years ago and pulled red, green and yellow lights off and stuck them in the spots where the purple ones had been on the garland lights. I even switched out about 1/3 of the blue lights. Once I verified everything was working (I learn slowly but I do learn), I put the colored lights back on the garland, then I wrapped the white lights around the garland also.
More than one way to skin a cat, right?
The photo still looks a little blue but in real life the white makes it sparkle...I like it, even though it's a cooler white than I have on the bushes. My thumbnails have pretty much recovered.
We put the tree up before my Sweet Babboo left town, but it took me a while to get the needles it shed vacuumed up so I could put down the tree skirt and the traditional Christmas book selection (a tree's gotta have something under it, lol). The teardrop lights that failed utterly as outdoor lights last year look really nice on the tree, although I do have some mini incandescents on it too, so I can run the 4 ornament spinners... It is an artificial tree this year since it went up so early.Each one of those tasks took a separate day. So, while I did putter around in the sewing room a couple of times, I don't really have much to show for it yet.
But at least the house is mostly festive; I have a few household decorations that I opted to forgo this year.
I totally missed the church Christmas production this year. I wasn't able to be in it or really do much, due to the craziness of the fall, (koff two weddings and three out of town trips koff) but I did intend to hang out in the dressing room with safety pins and such if anyone needed costume help. But, nope, couldn't make it work. It has felt WEIRD, let me tell you....
But the retest was negative Sunday evening so I have been back at work this week. It was nice to hear an actual human voice, lol.
Now I just need to finish getting the Christmas Epistles out and sew up the stockings that are hanging over my head yet...I have two weeks...
(Postscript: My dear MIL had apparently already had this particular variant or was protected by her booster or both as she did not contract it whilst My Sweet Babboo was holed up in the bedroom. He did wear a mask when he came out, but they did eat together, so I can't help but think she was exposed. So glad she is still healthy)
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