Thursday, April 07, 2016 what????

I had noticed a problem with and there, kinda randomly, photos were disappearing from the blog posts.  They ...just weren't there.

Then I clicked on a photo from one of my that was linked to my  collection of review photos in Picasa.

And got a 'this page is missing' notice.


Then I noticed that my entire album of review photos was missing.

Now that'll give you a sinking feeling.

Then I noticed a yellow box at the top.  'An important message from Picasa.  Click to learn more.' it read.

Well.  Here we go again.

After much thought and consideration, we’ve decided to retire Picasa over the coming months in order to focus entirely on a single photo service in Google Photos.

Yahoo photos went away.  Photoworks went away.  Now Picasa is going away.

But Picasa is the host site for all the Blogger photos.  What is going to happen to all of the photos linked to the blogs????  

Oy.  This makes my head hurt. 

And I still don't know what happened to the missing photos... 


  1. GreaT- just when I am getting used to thisblogging business . I wish they did not have to get rid of picasa .

    1. I'm assuming that google will start uploading photos to Google Photos at some point, so that new ones will be fine. But I haven't seen ANYTHING about the blogger photos on Picasa. Hopefully they'll come up with a script to move and relink...but, who knows...

  2. found this on the Blogger forum:
    Retiring Picasa Web Albums will not affect photos uploaded to a blog through Blogger; they will will continue to display on the blog even after Picasa Web Albums is retired. You will still be able to see these photos on your blog and in a new place we will be creating for you to access your Picasa Web Albums data. Picasa Web albums shared by a link will also continue to work with a redirect.

    So maybe it will be ok...


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