So I grabbed The Flute Player's ECC (Emerald City Citizen) dress for, um, funkification.
I wish I had some photos of some of the truly amazing ECC outfits, but the dress that she picked is very plain jane:
You can't tell from the photo, but that's rayon velvet. It swooshes and drapes and she really likes it, but it is just NOT up to the ECC standards. So I brought it home tonight to serge the raw edge on the bottom and unpick that so-twee lace around the neck (WHY do folks use the TINIEST STITCH LENGTH AVAILABLE???). I have a couple of ideas of what I can do with it, but basically I've got from 6 - 10 tomorrow night to do it as Wednesday is the first dress rehearsal. She has a pretty cool hat that has some fabric rosettes on it; I'm thinking I'm going to make some more (assuming I can find the fabric they used) and use them on the sleeves and possibly on the skirt. We'll see...
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