Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Gettin' busy...

I've got all but one of the kids measured for the Macbeth cast (or should I say, 'the Scottish play? No, we're performing it...I'm good... ;) ). I'm going to drive up to Sirs on Friday to see if I can buy a large quantity of lightweight black fabric, with a substantial quantity of grey fabric to go along with it. We've got 11 witches in the cast, plus Hecate, who are all going to be in shredded Bible costumes of layered black and grey.

Planning to cut on Monday.

Meantime, I have my next Gorgeous Fabrics project on the cutting board...a Burda Magazine vest from some black cotton/lycra sateen. I've been needing a black vest for ages; and I made this pattern up once before in denim, so I'm pretty confident it will work. I did pinch 1/2" out of the front armsceye and rotate it into the front dart to see if I could reduce the gapishness of the armhole; we'll see if it worked. That'll be the first time I actually put that principle into practice.

But it's a busy, busy week; I'm really going to have to push hard to get that project done...

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