Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Jammies Up

I procrastinated most all day yesterday.

Well, that just means I did something other than sewing...I just couldn't quite bring myself to change the thread in the serger with the nice wool pants so close to completion. But, I'm not going anywhere with them until my elastic arrives from the west coast, so I did finally go out and fuse the interfacing to my jammies; once that was done, it was a little less painful to change out all the thread. So I got a fair start on the jammies and with any success in the sewing room at all I will have a nice new set to take to Atlanta with me. Hard to believe the Expo is this week!


  1. Lisa, you always make me laugh when you talk about having to change threads on machines. I sometimes change all my machines (sewing, serger and coverstitch) several times per day and I don't think anything about it. Perhaps you need easier to thread machines? ;>)

  2. Actually, Peg, the machines aren't hard to thread at all; it takes, maybe, 30 seconds? A minute? That's why it's so pitiful that it can hold me up... It's a psychological issue, I think...probably related to some long-suppressed childhood memory.... ;)


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