The saga of the Pirate Shirts continues. See, my original plan was to make Pirate Shirts for all my kids-in-law, but life got complicated (read: I got a nasty tummy bug) and lost all the time I had planned to sew in December. It occurred to me, along with the fact that I could make those tea towels for Epiphany, that both my sons-in-law had birthdays early in the year; The Jokester in January and Prince Charming in February. So I decided to make their pirate shirts for birthday presents and we did something else for them for Christmas.
I made the tea towels first, told the Jokester that 'shipping was delayed' for his birthday present as it was clear I wasn't going to have it ready to mail in time to get to him; then started in on the shirts. It's the same pattern I used for The Dancer (Butterick 5008) but both of them got Large shirts. I added a bit to the girth for Prince Charming but otherwise they were the same, made full length (I shorten it 4" for ladies...). I used twill tape, stitched in half, for the ties instead of burning my fingers on ties made from the linen, just as I did for the shirts I made for Christmas. I thought I had taken a photo of Prince Charming's shirt before I wrapped it for his birthday dinner, but if I did I inadvertently deleted it because it is nowhere to be found. But I do have a pic of him opening it...The Little Prince was, of course, very interested.
Prince Charming noted that it would also be good to wear to the annual Renaissance Faire, and he's completely correct. A good pirate shirt can be worn for a number of things. However, I don't think he's put it on yet so I'm still hoping I guessed right on the alterations, lol.
I finished the Jokester's shirt a couple of days before we headed to Florida last week. I did get a picture of that shirt...
Prince Charming's shirt was the ruffles. He was quite pleased with it; tried it on after we left their apartment and reported that it 'fit perfectly!'. He's in children's ministry so it will get used.
I think I'm going to do some sewing for me next; I need to get through some of the stash, lol. I have acquired quite a bit of linen...and it's been so lovely to sew that I want to have something ready for spring, which surely can't be too much farther off...