...the 'Egg on Face' Edition...
And, of course, all email history has been deleted so I can't go back and try to figure out what happened.
However, somewhere in the last 6 weeks I was convinced that the colors for July had changed from coral, yellow and gray to coral, yellow and oatmeal.

So yesterday, My Sweet Baboo and I happened to have an errand to the far side of town, over in the Coldwater Creek neck of the woods. I had a partially used CWC gift card, and I decided I needed something oatmeal. So we scooted around to the fancy schmancy shopping center where the store is located, and I thought I did pretty good...picking up a jacket, a lace trimmed t shirt (both oatmeal) and a necklace and some complimentary earrings on a pretty decent sale.
But I didn't mean to wear any of the new stuff right away; no I had a plan for this morning. The only problem was that I could NOT find the yellow top that was a crucial part of today's plan. Anywhere. So I had to make a plan B, quick, which was the new oatmeal jacket, knit CWC bootcuts, and a top from about 4 years back, the tankish top from Vogue 2925, fashioned in a coral modal/lycra knit. With the yellow plastic beads, it looked ok.
Until I got to church and saw that most everyone had on shades of gray with their coral and yellow. Um, oopsie. I stayed in the middle of the pack today. ;-).
But it's ok; oatmeal is really the new white, as white does bad things to the lighting and the shaders in the AV room have asked us to please avoid white. So I'll be wearing it, I'm sure.
Just not for the rest of this month.
Now, where is that missing yellow top....
Postscript...the heat wave has finally arrived in Alabama. This is up on the north-facing front porch, on which the sun does not shine until late in the evening. So, yup, 98 in the coolest spot outside...