Sunday, December 30, 2012

Thag You Very Buch

Once again, no choir post today, as our otherwise excellent visit to the homefolk for the holiday netted me a most miserable respiratory virus.  Like Bilbo at Laketown, all I can manage is a stuffy croak.  Staying home and drinking many cups of various liquids to try and keep things loose and know the routine.  We normally have our Christmas gift exchange on New Year's Day, but that is still a question as I'm not sure I'm going to be up to a party on Tuesday, but we'll see.

But I did want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for hanging with me in my most non-sewing year in recent memory; you all have stuck with me as I've just photographed stuff that I've had hanging about in the closet for ages and ages, which no longer fits as it did and is beginning to look rather ratty and worn.

And I have visited your blogs and seen lovely, inspiring things that have kept the flame alive, even when I couldn't fan it myself.  Thank you all for taking the time to photograph and document your creations for all to see and share; I've truly enjoyed seeing what others have made, even when I felt a twinge of jealousy that I couldn't seem to get to my sewing machine.

I may or may not get my 'end of the year' stats posted and reviewed, pitiful as they are (no finished garments since September!  If I felt better, I'd wing a quick knit top just to have SOMETHING to show for the final quarter of the year besides more stashed fabric, but that's not likely to happen).   Perhaps by the end of the week I'll feel up to moving the current numbers to a post and clearing the sidebar for a fresh start.

Here's to a great start to 2013, and more sewing time for all of us!


  1. Feel better soon Lisa, and Happy New Year when you're up to it.

  2. Don't rush with a last minute outfit - 2013 is nearly here and hopefully more sewing time for all of us will come with it.
    Thanks for such a down-to-earth and honest blog, Happy New Year and will catch up with more sewing in 2013...J

    1. Thanks, Judith, and a very Happy New Year to all my friends Down Under!

  3. Happy New Year Lisa ! I hope you feel better soon - these winter colds/flu are horrible, it feels as though I've been sick for months and it's all around the blogs I'm reading today. This year was a non-year for me sewing-wise. I just never got to it. Here's hoping next year is better for both of us !


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