Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Expo Planning

The brochures are out and the agony of decision is full upon me. Miss A and I have our hotel reservations for the Atlanta Sewing Expo the second week of March and I'm trying to figure out which classes to sign up for. We will only be able to be there for Thursday and about half of Friday, so it limits the options. No matter; I found a class in every available time slot that I wanted to take. I've decided that I will register today...sometime...so I'm going to have to make a decision. I definetly want Cynthia Guffey's Signature Seam sample sewing class...that's Thursday evening and counts as three classes. Then there's Cynthias three-session fit series on Friday morning and early afternoon (we'll have to scoot straight out the door after that last class to be back in Huntsville by 7 for a conference). I also want to take the 'Each one, Teach One' class on Thursday afternoon; if I ever wanted to do a sewing related thing for income, I think teaching would be it. So, that's seven classes right there, so I'm bumped up to the nine-class option...Two more classes to pick. There's a Louise Cutting class Thursday morning, a Peggy Sagers class on Thursday afternoon, and Shirley Adams on Friday afternoon, between Cynthia's second and third fit classes. I can take two out of those three.

Maybe I'll just draw straws or something. ;)

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